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Simple Boost Circuit Question

Started by greysun, January 20, 2023, 08:15:49 PM

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Hi everyone!

Coming back into the pedal game after some years off (I did a build or 2, but they were kits so I didn't have to think too hard, hehe).

Short version: I'm trying to use up parts I have to make a couple boost circuits I can throw into some 1590As that I can use with my madbean fuzz/distortion pedals.

Long version: I have a slow loris, a couple mudbunnies and a pigs butt from 2013/2014 ish? (the schematics still accounted for batteries, if that helps, lol - the pig butt is a newer build). I finally have my amp set up the way I want it, but those pedals in particular lose a bit of volume when I go from clean/OD - which is common enough for fuzz. The volume on the pedals, once past 60%ish doesn't really add volume but starts to affect tone more than anything.

I breadboarded a *very* simple IC boost circuit that actually worked pretty good in testing - adds just a little extra boost, doesn't seem to affect audio tone. I've attached a pic from EAGLE below. My plan was to either etch it or even just do a point-to-point using the leads.

I suppose my questions are as follows:

1) This seems like the bare minimum circuit - if all I'm looking for is a bit of volume boost, is it enough?

2) since the 9v connects direct to the TL072CP chip, my assumption is it's risky to use 18v power supply with this - is there a way to filter before pin 8 to allow 18v just in case?

3) I have a 16v tantalum 10uf that I can use in C2 (right off pin 1 of the IC) - when I measure voltage, it's around 4v - I assume because the voltage is lower, running 18v is okay as long as the tant cap is only in this position?

I am open to other solutions, but the internet (which is NEVER wrong) kept driving me to a boost circuit, so here I am.

As always, thank you for helping in advance - and if this isn't in the right forum, let me know and I'll redirect. :-)