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Popped My 1st Cap :(

Started by skypn, January 12, 2023, 02:14:08 PM

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Like breaking a Bass guitar string, it was a draw changing experience :o.
The circuit is an Onyehn XR2206 Function Gen Kit
Wow. As I was writing this post to ask how to proceed, the cause hit me like a ton of bricks.
Don't use a pedal wall wart to power other projects :(
I guess now I need to change the cap, find a different PS, and see if I cooked it ::).
Before I begin, is there any considerations I need to know about?
Knowledge for Knowledge's Sake


I did fail to mention. the silkscreen and the instructions both have half the circle darken to denote polarity instead of a plus sign. I assumed the dark half was negative. 
Knowledge for Knowledge's Sake


Quote from: skypn on January 12, 2023, 02:26:12 PM
I did fail to mention. the silkscreen and the instructions both have half the circle darken to denote polarity instead of a plus sign. I assumed the dark half was negative.
Since an EL cap usually has a dark case, with a lighter stripe indicating the negative lead, the white half-circle usually indicates the negative lead of a polarized cap.  Some PCB makers use a + sign or a square pad for the positive lead.  It's better when they use a combination of these to reduce doubt!  Also, you have to check whether the DC connector on your device wants center negative (like most pedals) or center positive (like many other types of equipment.)

When I first power up a new device, I use a 9V battery (not a power supply) and connect it thru an ammeter.  Either no current or unexpectedly high current signals a problem and allows a quick disconnect. 


Thank you. Is the dark side pos the with surface mount caps?
Now if I had cap backwards, and the PS backward, why did it pop I wonder?
what parts should I start to suspect is damaged by this, when I swap my caps around and it still doesn't work?
I guessing at the IC
Knowledge for Knowledge's Sake


Here's the best graphic I've seen on SMD cap polarity markings:

Once you replace the cap, just power it up and see what works, it's hard to predict damage.  If it doesn't work let us know.  If we get to that point it would be helpful to have a schematic & pics for the PCB you have, there are several different versions available under that part number.


This would indicate the neg (-) goes down and or left.

Pedal building is like the opposite of sex.  All the fun stuff happens before you get in the box.


Quote from: mauman on January 12, 2023, 04:22:48 PM
Quote from: skypn on January 12, 2023, 02:26:12 PM
I did fail to mention. the silkscreen and the instructions both have half the circle darken to denote polarity instead of a plus sign. I assumed the dark half was negative.
Since an EL cap usually has a dark case, with a lighter stripe indicating the negative lead, the white half-circle usually indicates the negative lead of a polarized cap.  Some PCB makers use a + sign or a square pad for the positive lead. 
You know, my comments were about thru-hole EL caps, the markings on a PCB for an SMD EL cap may be different...


They can make a heck of a mess, right?  I think the first time I had a boomer was working on a guitar amp and it sprayed crap everywhere.  Luckily I didn't because it scared the crap out of me.
Gordy Power
How loud is too loud?  What?


Quote from: gordo on January 13, 2023, 04:11:37 AM
They can make a heck of a mess, right?  I think the first time I had a boomer was working on a guitar amp and it sprayed crap everywhere.  Luckily I didn't because it scared the crap out of me.
;D ;D ;D

skypn:  I've got one of these floating around if you want it, just PM me. Happy to send it your way. I didn't find it very useful for pedals, at least with a scope.  They have signal generator apps for the phone that work really well.  You just need to make a headphone to 1/4 inch plug adaptor.  I used a set of broken headphones.   


Mauman. Thank you for answering. I guess my SMD question through you off.
Jimilee. Yes, that how I got it. I spent almost and hour surfing bing images only found one, in which the cap's behind another part. I could barely see the pcb markings.
Gordo. My cap was rather neat. Just looked like one took the case off, and left the paper neatly rolled together.
Bio77. I'll take you up on that offer. If you agree, I message you with my address.

Moving forward, I cobbled up a polarity switcher upper with a dc plug and socket. Hooked it all up, turned it on and I couldn't get anything to show up on my oscilloscope.
Is there a chance I damaged other components during this incident?
Well I'm stepping back now and wait for tomorrow's fresh mind.
Knowledge for Knowledge's Sake