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Cupcake Mod?

Started by jaysonsayshello, December 28, 2011, 03:58:37 PM

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Is it possible to add a clean blend knob using the current cupcake pcb?


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Sweet.  So I'm guessing this circuit would just go before the cupcake circuit?

Thanks for sharing.


You would put the cupcake in the 'loop' of the blender. Send to in, out to return. In and out on the blend PCB become your connections for your switch.

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(I was wondering the same thing and thought about the below...I am pretty sure it won't have the desired effect, though I'm not sure how to make it work.)

What if you had a pot where lug 3 was tied to the output from the board (the wet signal), lug 1 was tied to the input to the board (the dry signal) and the wiper connected to the output jack.

I think it would work at either extreme (with a high enough pot value) but in the middle you would be feeding the wet output back into the input of the board. How could you get the dry signal mixed into the output without also feeding the wet signal back into the input?



By using Jacobs project in the link above. The buffer prevents the problem (feedback oscillation) that your anticipating.
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