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pcb for rotary switch for prototyping (diodes, caps, etc)

Started by jwin615, August 20, 2022, 02:50:52 PM

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Anyone know a good source for pcbs for 8+ position rotary switches?
Wanting to set up proto jigs to quickly cycle through things like clipping diodes and filter caps.
The best I have found is the sparkfun pcb here
It's a little cramped if I were to socket it as keeping leads from shorting would be a pain. For soldering up the usual suspects, it works fine.
Was curious if anyone else has found something better or a better method?
I found a couple things at dark glass audio, I think?, But they were all $15+.


Pedal building is like the opposite of sex.  All the fun stuff happens before you get in the box.


Quote from: jimilee on August 20, 2022, 02:52:05 PM
Have you checked

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yeah. Their rotary selector was back in stock so managed to spend $50, but nothing to help here.
I think they used to have something different but maybe it was discontinued.


If you give me a part number for the switch you wanna use and some guidelines I'll layout a PCB and put it up on Oshpark.
"I'm not sure what "serious design flaws" you see. Does it explode or poison your dog?" - PRR


That's awesome of you. I actually started revisiting kicad over the weekend to see if I could manage it as a simple project, though not sure I can in a reasonable time.
If nothing else, I'll get my thought process together enough to make some screen shots
Thinking I have the concept together but want to brainstorm a bit more to see if I can add additional functionality without much more hassle. I forget the model but was looking at 1p12t and 2p6t switches that I think could be layed out on the same pcb with a jumper for use with each. Will spend some more time and get back.
I started in eagle but could not the both the schematic and the pcb part to work in madbeans library as well as most other libraries.Maybe because I'm on slightly older Mac version?
I really do need to force myself to learn one or the other. I watched Brian's eagle screen capture the other day and was amazed.