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Started by Paradox916, July 14, 2022, 08:04:42 PM

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So I have been sitting on this one for a while and finally got my act together to put it together
With a lot of help from [mention]Thewintersoldier [/mention] holding my hand and walking me through somethings and just flat out telling me to quit being a and build the damn thing.  And also the rest of the trust [mention]harryklippton [/mention] [mention]blackhatboojum [/mention] and [mention]peccary [/mention] for being there to bounce ideas off of thanks guys you rock!

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Those tags didn't work but it's still 🍇🚨🚨


That looks fantastic!

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Pedal building is like the opposite of sex.  All the fun stuff happens before you get in the box.