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Oh wow, this is really bad...

Started by JakeFuzz, December 18, 2011, 09:18:24 PM

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Not reading the data sheet for the LM317T thoroughly enough, I didn't realize that the heatsink was connected to the voltage output. The regulator is definitely fried (conduction between in and). Worse this was in the initial tests of my MN3005 dirtbag, my hopes are not high that all my IC's haven't completely fried. Very depressing, running to rat shack to pick up a new regulator. Either a build report or make fun of how stupid Paul is thread in the next hour or so.  :(


ooooh.... I feel bad for you Paul.

JMK Pedals - Custom Pedal Creations
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Dude I would never make fun of that.  Good luck and good vibes.
Looking for a discontinued madbean board?  Check out my THREAD

Now carrying Matched JFETS


I will say a prayer for your bbd's.  Hopefully it didnt make it that far.  Believe me, i was super paranoid of something similar happening with my 3005's.


proper heatsink technique.

always use a mica or other ceramic isolating sheet between the back of the 220 casing.

always use a plastic or ideally teflon insulating washer between the screw and the mounting holes.

best practice - use a non-conductive screw.

the exposed back plate on a non self insulated 220 package is always connected to the cathode or the output.


Thanks guys. looks like I fried the CD4047, I don't have and extra so this is going to have to sit for a while. I'll run back to rat shack to see if they carry one. Doubt it.


Shame, such a pretty face but she's all messed up on the inside...


I hope they didn't get destroyed!! It looks so good
Owner and operator of Magic Pedals



As an aside, where do people get the cool coloured copper clads from ?


Quote from: LaceSensor on December 20, 2011, 11:27:13 AM

As an aside, where do people get the cool coloured copper clads from ?

I get mine from an ebay guy called ABCfab or something like that. Just search for copper clad, fr-4 board or similar and he usually pops up with a ton of products.


Oh man, Paul! This is beautiful! Man, I hope you can figure this out, cause this is just too pretty to stay on a shelf...

God bless!


Quote from: JakeFuzz on December 20, 2011, 04:46:42 PMI get mine from an ebay guy called ABCfab or something like that. Just search for copper clad, fr-4 board or similar and he usually pops up with a ton of products.

Here's his eBay page:


Cheers, hope you get it worked out