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Delay Lovers Anonymous - Do you need help?

Started by gtr2, December 12, 2011, 06:58:35 PM

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I've been working on getting help for my delay addiction.  I've sold a few but I still have a draw to delays over other pedals.  I've resisted the new Timeline so I think I'm doing ok.

I've had in the past two years.  The ones with * I still have.  I do believe I'm forgetting one or two as well.

Deluxe Memory Boy
Malekko EKKO 616
Line 6 DL4
Roland RE-201*
Echoplex EP-4*
Dirtbag (x2)**
Sea Urchin*
Aquaboy (x2)**
El Capistan*
Damage Control Timeline
Eventide Timefactor
Carbon Copy (x2)*

Ouch... I don't even play using delay that much.  ??? 

Hmm, I need a DIY tap tempo to round things off  ::)


Contract PCB designer


Delays are addictive
I really want to build a Dirtbag... it'll happen in the new year I hope


Yes, you need help. No I won't help you.

Boss DD3* (multiples at times)
Boss DD5
Boss DD6
Boss DD7*
Boss RV3*
Hardwire DL-8*
Line 6 DL4
Line 6 Echo Park
Strymon El Capistan*
Strymon Timeline*

I have built:
Multiple Rebotes (2 and 2.5s, one with tap tempo)
Multiple PT80s
Multiple Echobases
JMK Repeater (delay of my own design, one is in process with a tap tempo circuit)
JMK Repeater Deluxe (in verification stages, modulation, of my own design)
JMK Repeater Tap Tempo (in verifications stages, tap tempo, of my own design)
Dirtbag is on the slate


Ps... I may want to sell the DD7 and DL-8 if anyone's interested...
JMK Pedals - Custom Pedal Creations
JMK PCBs *New Website*
pedal company - youtube - facebook - Used Pedals


I've had:

MXR Carbon Copy
Dimond Memory Lane
Dimond Memory Lane 2
Pigtronix Echolution
Damage Control Timeline
Strymon El Capistan
Strymon Brigadier
Line 6 DL4
T-rex Replica
Empress Vintage Modified Super Delay
Eventide Timefactor

I'm in the process of building my first delay:
Mad Bean Dirtbag

The Timefactor has been on my board for about two and a half years now.  I doubt it's going anywhere.  It's also the only one currently on my board.
Not too bright....


Contract PCB designer


lol, I consider myself a delay lover even though I just have a Line 6 Echo Park. I think I'm gonna ask for a Dirtbag pcb for christmas + parts

Quote from: jkokura on December 12, 2011, 07:35:10 PM
Yes, you need help. No I won't help you.

I will. particularly with that EP-4  ;D


Not too bright....


Ha, this reminds me of a thread that got some good traction called "Confessions of a delay whore"  ;D If you want I can link you if you are curious about other "delay whores" out there  :o


In the 80's I owned an Ibanez modulation digital delay and now own only a cheapo Ibanez DE-7 which I use on the "echo/analog" setting.

I have a dirtbag deluxe board and will be building it up very soon. How much better will it sound compared to my current cheapo box? I hope I am blown away  :o


Judging  by what Ive heard so far the Dirtbag will sound amazing.

I am really into delay and ambient stuff. I havent owned (or own) as much stuff as you guys.

recalling, over the past few years these are my commercial fx

- Digitech Space station. not a delay but the best ambient pedal I have. Has synth patches which are basically the "shimmer" sound that the edge favours and people rave about
- Digitech Digidelay - This is a great little pedal. The tape, reverse and modulation settings are nice, and it has sample and hold and looper functions as well as tap tempo. Probably superceded a lot by now, so for the $30 itd likely cost a nice addition
- Line 6 DL4. Had this since release and still all original and working. Enough been said about these already.
- Ibanez soundtank Echo. Regret selling this. nice digital tape echo sim. Cheap. Or was. Worth more nowadays I think
- Boss rv-3, combines reverb and delay. The hall sounds are massive. very Jeff buckley.
- Boss dd-3, sold. Standard delay. I know its digital and all, but the repeats never sat well for me.

Stuff I have build in the last 11 months of being into this hobby

- Couple of EchoBase. This is the best DIY digidelay in my opinion. The modulation is beatiful. The ability to add a simple FX loop is awesome. All the mods you can do really made the pedal amazing. Anyone that hadnt made one owes it to themselves, regardless of your thoughts on PT2399 delays vs real BBD

- Madbeans take on the Deep Blue (Sea Urchin). This is a lovely sounding pedal. I can see why TGPers dig the original. Well worth building. Has a very nice sound, like an Aqua Puss

- WH Aqua Puss clone. This is a top drawer effect, dont care what anyone says. Beautiful decay on the notes. Regardless of tone, which is lovely, I am also chuffed simply to have made one, and with a proper mojo MN3005 to boot!

- Madbean Dirtbag. The daddy. Ive been into DMM sounds but never afforded (or wanted to allot it the space it required on my board). With this, Ill have a solution, in a 1590BB. who would have thought it possible...

- rebote 2.5 built one on vero. Seems fickle. I built another and it didnt work. Probably just due to the vero. Id say there are better options now - see above. Rebote is a nice platform to mod the filters though, and a nice place to start as its one of the simplest, and can be done quite space consciously on vero if you lack the PCB etching.

Overall I love delay, use it literally all the time. I also feel if you are gonna splash cash, at least you feel like you are getting your moneys worth with a delay pedal. I know thats kinda moot, but compared to say, a fuzz factory with literally £20 total of bits, a nice analog delay, with the proper well thought out features and complex, lovely sounds, is worth more to me when thinking about spending £200 on a commercial fx.


Quote from: jkokura on December 12, 2011, 07:35:10 PM
Yes, you need help. No I won't help you.

Boss DD3* (multiples at times)
Boss DD5
Boss DD6
Boss DD7*
Boss RV3*
Hardwire DL-8*
Line 6 DL4
Line 6 Echo Park
Strymon El Capistan*
Strymon Timeline*

I have built:
Multiple Rebotes (2 and 2.5s, one with tap tempo)
Multiple PT80s
Multiple Echobases
JMK Repeater (delay of my own design, one is in process with a tap tempo circuit)
JMK Repeater Deluxe (in verification stages, modulation, of my own design)
JMK Repeater Tap Tempo (in verifications stages, tap tempo, of my own design)
Dirtbag is on the slate


Ps... I may want to sell the DD7 and DL-8 if anyone's interested...
I'm interested in the DL-8... PM me if you want to discuss it  :)
Works at Lectric-FX


Hey Tenwatt,
I've been lusting after the El Capistan for a long time. I've never been able to play one myself, though. How would you say it measures up?
"If you put all the knobs on your amplifier on 10 you can get a much higher reaction-to-effort ratio with an electric guitar than you can with an acoustic."
- David Fair


Right now I have:

Digitech PDS-1002 (with looping!) - I freakin love that thing even though it is not mojo
Timeline - haven't spent enough time with it but pretty rad
EchoBase with tap-tempo - love it
Several Aquaboys with v3205 and MN3005
Several DirtBags with v3205 and MN3005
A populated but unfinished dual delay PCB I picked up from eBay last year...I think it is more or less the AD-3208 from GGG. Really nice PCB design from Asia.
The Behringer clone of the Echo Park - it's actually decent
And the Roland Space Echo re-issue (the new one) -sounds really cool but noisy as shit

Oh, and the Memory Boy as of two hours ago.


What circuit do u have for tap tempo on echo base?


I want to put in a good word for the Guyatone MD-3. It's tiny, it's cheap, it sounds great. One of the first pedals I ever owned, and it still gets put to use.