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Setback - no effect?

Started by okeephoss, May 29, 2021, 08:44:58 PM

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Virtually zero sign of a delay effect.  Guitar signal cuts out completely w MIX knob up all the way.  Just thought I'd post a couple pics here just in case y'all see something... gonna have to make an audio probe.  Have yet to do that. 

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Start with you soldering, I can see a lot of pads not covered in solder and I can see through a a lot of pads. Try reflowing and add solder where necessary. This still happens to a lot of us long timers too.

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Pedal building is like the opposite of sex.  All the fun stuff happens before you get in the box.


Yeah.  Done and done.  Reflowed couple times all joints are solid.. this one is quite perplexing. 

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Quote from: okeephoss on May 30, 2021, 12:05:25 AM
Yeah.  Done and done.  Reflowed couple times all joints are solid.. this one is quite perplexing. 

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Well, you do need an audio probe to calibrate it anyway, so I'd say that's is your next step as well.

Pedal building is like the opposite of sex.  All the fun stuff happens before you get in the box.


clean between the solder joints too, hard to say, but on the back top right corner below the pot and between the traces it looks a little globbed together.
The solder joints should look kind of like a pencil tip, rising to a point, if you slide your iron up the leg as you pull away it helps keep it together, other than that I can't see anything except the large green film cap looks a little odd and thicker than I'd expect.


It is recomended to use rosin enough to get good and quick solder. But for this, after everything is done, you must clear this back side from burned residues. Needle, or some iron tool around points and tracks, to get that film out, and finally I use soft iron brush to clear it. And after it you can controll it and wash it with technical alcohol. That's for start. Maybe this will help.
"Nudíte se? Kupte si našeho cvičeného ježka! Pobaví vás svými veselýmí kousky!"


I'm at a loss... the BBD chip and the 3101 aren't getting any power.  0 v on all legs.  Maybe I'll buy a new one and start over... My only thought could be a bad transistor or diode though I've never come across that.  The last thing I need is another delay pedal  ;)


Would posting all my voltages help?

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Quote from: okeephoss on June 02, 2021, 02:06:00 AM
Would posting all my voltages help?

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Yes, voltages would help


bypass switch appears to be wired wrong.

4 5 6
1 2 3
7 8 9

5 is supposed to be jumped to 9, but it appears you have 2 jumped to 9, fix that if it is and check the effect.

To clarify, L1 bypass appears to be being jumped to IN, instead of to where L1 connects to the switch.


It does look like that in the photo... I have the bypass wired correctly though.

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did some audio probing.. have never done it before.  Been able to get by so far without it.  Should sound be coming out of every component leg that doesn't go to ground?


I tested the probe I built and it didn't come out of every leg, but I was able to find it on some resistors, effect control pot legs 2 of 3 and on two IC legs that were on the FireAxe I recently built, it doesn't have any faults, but good for testing the probe.

The goal of the probe is to find where the signal is lost, so I would start probing the IC then the pots, if I couldn't find it I would follow the schematic and work out the route of the audio on the pcb.

If your voltages are correct I would assume the volume would change at the IC.


Have you tried the calibration process yet?
Pedal building is like the opposite of sex.  All the fun stuff happens before you get in the box.


oh yeah... there's nothing going into the bbd... no delay effect whatsoever.  so signal at all after the 570 chip