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Dirtbag Delay EH DMM v3205 version

Started by LaceSensor, December 08, 2011, 12:24:35 PM

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Dear forum

Pleased to say I have finished this, bar some tweaking.
I thought I would put up a few shots of the build as it progressed. I didnt take pics of every stage, but I feel it deserves a bit more than just a " top and guts"

First up here is the populated board
Its a pretty serious build. I didnt read the manual properly (skim) before starting, but thanks to experience I populated the board exactly as described in the BOM, so it does work and everything can fit.

Resistors first - 1/4W 1% metal film mostly, 5% carbon for odd values. I used my multimeter to verify where it was important (5.6K for example).

Then the diodes, and the trimmers. Diodes, easy, trimmers, I recommend Tayda. These ones are exactly to spec size wise for Beans boards, and are ridiculously cheap ($0.16 IIRC). I bought a bunch of each value for future use.

After that, the sockets. I prefer the gold contact turned variety, but the standard ones are fine. Bear in mind the gaps with some of the resistors/capacitors is touch and go (see around IC for a good example) so take care with positioning. I seem to recall R8 and R60 being in the way a bit. Also, C34 and C40 can stop the IC being inserted fully, so watch out for that when socketing.

After all this I added my pots and switch.
Concurrently, I was marking and drilling the box. The culmination of which is this:

I drilled a pilot hole for the Overload LED directly (ish) above the point of the board. I used a SIL socket on the rear of the board to for the LED connection. I was pretty confident, but doesnt hurt to then check everything fits in your enclosure. I used a 1590BB from Tayda (nice quality, $5) as per the BOM.

I found some time to start work on a decal now the box was drilled, and unashamedly went with a rip off of the original design. I love the 70s/80s EH designs, so why change a winning formula. Here is the prototype on paper.

Afterwards I set about finalising this and making up the real decal. I use Inkjet Vinyl self adhesives, and clearcoat with automotive clear spray (3 coats). I sanded the box roughly at an 45 degree angle to simulate a brushed aluminium effect of the big trapezoid EH boxes. I think it looks nice.

Then came wiring up and testing outside the box. For those who follow the thread in Tech, this was time consuming and worrying, but eventually I am at the stage now where I have almost clean delays. Lessons learnt - socket all your ICs firmly. I didnt change anything than that between testing sessions. At first all I got was noise. Went away, had food, double checked all IC seating, and bam, some delay was coming through clean(ish).

Anyway, this leads us to boxing-post-rocking. I used a 3mm red diffuse LED for the overload, and a 5mm red diffuse for the status, mounted in tayda holders. Hole sizes are 6mm and 8mm for these.

Pretty happy with the wiring job. The Power Jack placement was carefully measured before drilling to ensure clearance. In hindisight it would also been fine at the top centre near the VC connection, but I went with this and its fine. I used nice 8mm DC jacks. Perfect when you wouldnt use a battery anyway.

For the guyshot fans heres another close up

Finally, with the addition of some (in my eyes) lovely knobs, the thing is complete.

Thanks to Bean for the board, Scruffie for the tech help, and all others involved.
One hell of a project. Now to tweak and tweak and tweak those trimmers....



This looks OUTSTANDING!  Well done man. - Music, Builds, other nonsense


Quote from: eldanko on December 08, 2011, 01:24:49 PM
This looks OUTSTANDING!  Well done man. 
Cheers buddy. Sounds good now, cant wait to get it tweaked 100%.


Quote from: eldanko on December 08, 2011, 01:24:49 PM
This looks OUTSTANDING!  Well done man. 
+10 .. Well done.  I am torn wether to build this or not.  I think I will get my Current lover done and see


Very impressive!
Where did you get the self adhesives Inkjet Vinyl?
Would you mind sharing the graphics? in psd-format maybe?


Quote from: marmaliser on December 08, 2011, 01:26:47 PM
Quote from: eldanko on December 08, 2011, 01:24:49 PM
This looks OUTSTANDING!  Well done man. 
+10 .. Well done.  I am torn wether to build this or not.  I think I will get my Current lover done and see

Current Lover is next on my to do list. Need a 125B


Quote from: Loztboy on December 08, 2011, 02:19:28 PM
Very impressive!
Where did you get the self adhesives Inkjet Vinyl?
Would you mind sharing the graphics? in psd-format maybe?

Inkjet vinyl from Ebay. seller steclar

I can share the graphics, but I use MS paint (LOL, but I am crap at PS).
They can probably be sharpened up in PS though if you know what you are doing.


Wow! This thing looks amazing. I am nowhere near skilled enough to take this one on myself just yet, but am certainly inspired to try to get there!


Terrific work. Looks very pro outside and in!


In my mind, if you can solder any pcb and get it to work, you can do this one. Its just the same thing but bigger. But yeah, probably work up to it.

I would definitely buy the PCB while they are available though you never know when stuff gets discontinued around here  :D



Tremendous job.  Maybe you can do a demo once you get it all tweeked out?



Wow, I designed a graphic almost exactly like this for my d-bag last weekend! Weird, how similar they are, mine just says dirtbag delay instead of deluxe memory man. Looks really good, I cant wait to hear the demo!
