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Why NOT Mammoth?

Started by tenwatt, December 01, 2011, 08:05:44 PM

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I've noticed most everyone here recomends a long list of parts websites but hardly anyone mentions Mammoth.  Is there a reason for this or is it just by chance?
Not too bright....


I don't see why not Mammoth.

However, there have been some issues with their service in the past. Some people have noted that they aren't quick to get back to you if you have a question, and that they can have errors in their orders. Some others have noticed that the enclosure finishes haven't been perfect either.

However, my experience has been this:
- They've always made good on problems I've had.
- Mistakes in my orders have been fixed by having the right parts sent to me free of charge
- Blake often returns my email within 3 days, sometimes as soon as 24 hours
- The enclosures I got were pretty good, but I like the customizability of PPP personally.

I'm about to get a big order of pots from them. They are one of the suppliers available, but I often recommend Smallbear because just about ANYTHING you want is available there. It might cost a bit more, but you never need to worry about whether they will or wont have common parts. They do.

JMK Pedals - Custom Pedal Creations
JMK PCBs *New Website*
pedal company - youtube - facebook - Used Pedals


They have made good on problems I have had too. And they responded quickly.

For me, I stopped because of the shipping cost. Smallbear does charge a bit more but I can get everything I need there and pay shipping once. My Mammoth orders were always $50 shipping. I have ordered more weight/products from SB and the shipping has been less on those.


Mammoth is fine for certain things like pots but I will not buy their switches or enclosures due to lousy quality. Blake knows he has issues in warehouse and quality control, hopefully he can get those issues sorted.


Quote from: sgmezei on December 01, 2011, 08:41:13 PMFor me, I stopped because of the shipping cost. Smallbear does charge a bit more but I can get everything I need there and pay shipping once. My Mammoth orders were always $50 shipping.

Did you choose from the USPS options? Sometimes that dropdown can be overlooked, and some users only notice the UPS options.

For those of you who have experienced QC, enclosure standards, and shipping/warehouse issues, we have put some intense protocol in place on all of those fronts - including massive changes in our powder coat suppliers and processes, triple-checking systems during shipping, and a lot more. If you experience any issues whatsoever, do email me at If I haven't responded within the business day (between 9-5CST, M-F), then I'm either finding the answer for you or your email did not reach me (VERY rare occasion), so send it again. I will definitely make it right for you.

Don't mean to hijack this thread. I invite you to continue expressing any problems you've had, and I understand if what we offer/don't offer does not suit your needs. I might pop in and let you know if we have since changed or added to our operations, but in no way do I want to keep anyone from expressing their opinions/experiences! Thanks!


Great response Blake. I'm glad to see you and your business has come along in the right direction. Again, I'll say that Blake has always made things good with me.

JMK Pedals - Custom Pedal Creations
JMK PCBs *New Website*
pedal company - youtube - facebook - Used Pedals


Quote from: jkokura on December 02, 2011, 07:59:13 PM
Again, I'll say that Blake has always made things good with me.


I'll happily second that, and add that he's done so quickly and courteously.
I should still be a "diode destroyer"!


Well, Mammoth has been great for me as a guy just getting started.  It's easier to order from them and Blake has been a prince when it comes to adding last minute items to orders I've already put in.  His responses have been when in the hour at times.
Not too bright....


I've never had a problem with Mammoth, my order's have always shipped out same day or next day, never had incorrect parts sent and using USPS, shipping is pretty reasonable. The only critical things I can say is those davies 1900 clone knobs are all plastic, so the set screw immediately stripped the threads on 3 of the 5 knobs I bought - no biggie, I just super glued the knobs to the pots. And I've had a couple of the round DC jacks where the threading is all jacked up and you can't get it to thread correctly.


As someone who orders primarily from Mammoth and Smallbear I have no issues with Mammoth.

Shipping wise, there were some folks on BYOC from outside the states who complained of shipping and they completely whiffed on the drop down box.

Time wise. NO ONE ships faster to me than Mammoth. That is one of my beefs with Smallbear. Too slow but they do have a killer selection.

Price wise. I find it is 6 of one half a dozen of another. Just depends on what you are buying.

Ease of use. I give it to Mammoth for the website ordering.

Customer service. Blake is excellent. No issues with the Bear here either.

Naturally the Mousers of the world are cheaper many times due to economies of scale but damn, I about lose my mind trying to order from them. I know it is the user but sheesh I find it way too challenging.


I like Mammoth's website, its very easy to order there.

I've used them twice.  My second order had a couple of wrong/missing parts.  Blake answered my email himself and shipped the parts out free, no questions asked.  There was no reason for me to be unsatisfied.

Just like anywhere else, there are things I like buying there and things I don't, but I'll shop there again when the time is right.
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I've used Mammoth quite a bit.  I love the website and quick shipping.  Never had a wrong part.  Prices are slightly higher than say Futurlec/Tayda but that is to be expected since those are in Asia, and they take much longer to get the parts to me.  I use Smallbear less often these days because the shipping has always been much slower and more expensive than Mammoth, at least for my location in the US.  But Smallbear sometimes has those more obscure pedal parts.


everything has been good from mammoth especially the prices. 
Only issues are the threads on enclosures weren't tight but enough screws stay in place to keep it shut and one pot that had the threads stripped but I'm not 100% sure my kids didn't turn the nob too much and do that.
Otherwise very satisfied.


I've ordered from them a few times and I always get my full order correct and in a reasonable time frame. They have become my go-to enclosures place, until I find a better deal on something bulk!
Owner and operator of Magic Pedals


They were one of the first companies I ordered from. Blake even personally answered newb questions I had on particular products, such as "how does one get the LED into the bezel exactly"? He even attached a picture of his hands assembling one so as to make it clear.