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Wiring a resistor in series with potentiometer

Started by ninemag, October 14, 2020, 04:22:56 AM

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If I'm thinking correctly, if I for example, put a 4.7k in series w a B10k pot; the signal out of the pot won't go below 4.7k. Question is how the pot behaves as it turns up. Will it have no change until it turns roughly halfway? Or will it change the resolution of the pot and the entire turn will adjust between 4.7 and 10k.
Sorry for the noob question
Thanks for the help!


By 'in series' do you mean that the resistor is either before or after the pot, and you are using only pins 1 and 2 of the pot?

If that's the case, then the total resistance of the two is just adding them together. 

With the pot set at 0, you will have 0 plus 4.7, which is 4.7.

With the pot half way, you will have 5 plus 4.7.

With the pot full, you will have 10 plus 4.7.

If on the other hand you are talking about something like putting the resistor across the legs of the pot, that's a whole other thing... best to include a schematic so it's clear what you are attempting