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I need help with debugging an Aquaboy DLX 2019

Started by Ariosto, October 07, 2020, 06:50:56 PM

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Hello everyone:

With great effort I ended to build such a complex PCB. After months of personal problems that made me stay away from my soldering bank, today I connected it to a Boss 9V power supply and...... NOTHING. Well, in bypass mode the audio signal goes thru, and with the pedal engaged no sound at all. Already checked posible cold joints, apparently everything is OK. Curiosly the LED does not go on when required. My first attempt to debug the pedal was with an audio probe, and I lose signal in a very early stage (Q1 MPSA 18 to be exact). But I cannot realize whether a failure in the power section or a damaged component. I guess I must upload some pictures, and I still did not have time to check the voltages -in case there is any-. I will appreciate any kind of advice/help. Thanks a lot.


Are you getting any dry signal through the circuit or nothing?
If nothing it's probably the first transistor or opamp that the signal goes through or surrounding component. I don't have the schematic in front of me and I cant remember it off the top of my head



As before mentioned, the audio signal comes through 100% when the effect is off. When on -and this is somehow striking- the LED does not light. The power supply works OK, and I still did not check the voltages. With the audio probe the signla comes upt to the central pin of Q1. I attached here two pages of the official PDF document.




Can anybody say me if the voltafe regulator is soldered in the correct position?




That MN3101 looks suspect, I've never seen one with that bold writing on it. Did you purchase it from a reputable source?
Is the LED oriented correctly?
You should still get dry audio signal at the output when the footswitch is in bypass mode. Do you have the "tails" switch wired up?
Regulator looks to be in correctly


I think I have somewhere some other MN3001. I can look for it and replace to see what happens. About the LED, I tried in both positions without results. I soldered both switchs to the PCB, Tomorrow with a freh head I will check the wiring.


Well, I changed the MN 3001 and nothing changed........... Any other ideas out there?


So, are you saying that there's no power? Is it possible to measure voltages?

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Pedal building is like the opposite of sex.  All the fun stuff happens before you get in the box.


HELP! I tried to measure voltages in the ICs and I donĀ“t become any ! What could be wrong? The voltage regulator maybe? Up to the contact of the jack with the PCB I have 9 Volts.


Get any voltage at the regulator?

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Pedal building is like the opposite of sex.  All the fun stuff happens before you get in the box.


Well, I am a noob, but I put the negative (black) tip of the tester to the ground and with the red tip I touched eah of the three tips, and there was no signal at all.


Then the board isn't getting power, that's why the LED won't light.
Figure out why power isn't getting through to the regulator