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Started by gordo, March 16, 2020, 05:17:09 PM

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Here's my Florist build.  I'll have to admit that I'm pretty meh about PT builds.  I tend to like my delays pristine and even real analog builds are only to cover particular sounds.  With chorus's it gets worse because the PT has a fairly shallow limit to how tight the delay gets and most of the implementations have a noticeable slap-back effect.  I wasn't a big fan of the Glam for that reason.  Analog chorus are the finest and I have no issues with most digitals.

But it's a new Bean box and he's been on a bit of a roll lately so I got the Glitchee and Florist figuring that I'm at least being supportive and I'm always up for new projects.  The Glitchee is in another thread and I'm crazy about it.  The Florist?  I really like this thing for all the above shortcomings.  It's different than most digital and analog chorus's in that it's a bit darker and at it's extremes its either REALLY subtle or its rotary sounding.  Hard to describe other than I don't have another chorus quite like it.  With most chorus' I'd be tempted to put them in my amps effect loop.  This one I'd prefer up front and likely in front of overdrives.

Standard build and this one went with the Softie 2.  The Softie looked so nice in it's little presentation box that I didn't really want to give it up but this is a nice application.  Even with the volume cranked, which is a nice addition...having a bit of a volume bump if needed, this thing is dead quiet (unlike most analogs).

Waterslide decal with web snagged paisley pattern.  I forgot to drill the speed LED but managed to do so without buggering up the decal.  These knobs look stupid (although the color rocks) but my LMS order is on the way so Lawrence will make it look pretty.

Gordy Power
How loud is too loud?  What?


Nice job as always gordo.

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Pedal building is like the opposite of sex.  All the fun stuff happens before you get in the box.


Beautiful build Gordo.  :D
Follow me on Instagram under PharmerFx.


Excellent inside out! Great stuff man!
BigNoise Amplification


I love it, that floral paisley pattern is a really great idea. Nice work good sir.


Do you have a particular auditioning method for the PTs? In the past I have heard that they can be noisy, but not sure if that is still an issue. I assume you used clear waterslide. Do you clearcoat before application? I've always done afterwards, but I get inconsistent batches of white background waterslides. Sometimes they slide off other times you dang near have to peel the backing off which ends op in a ruined graphic by the time it is bent and stretched.


Do you like the vibrato sound on this? I like the VB2 wiggle and want something at least close to that.
"my legend grows" - playpunk


Thanks everyone.  I've sort of lucked out with PTs.  I think I got them from Smallbear but don't recall.  Out of about 4 or 5 of them this was the first one I grabbed and thought it sounded nice.  The decal is Smallbear laser stock thru a color laser (Brother).  No clear coat to the decal, it goes right onto the powdercoat and once dried (about 12-24 hours) I hit it with a couple of coats of clear.  The SB stock is about the most consistent I've found and I've had relatively crappy luck with inkjet printers.  With inkjets I did have to clearcoat the decal.

I've never played a VB2 but it does compare nicely to the TC mini Shaker I've played.  Not too extreme and a nice range of speeds.
Gordy Power
How loud is too loud?  What?

Drew Hallenbeck

Very nice, love the colors and graphics! I've always been a sucker for nice paisley patterns!
Building with my daughter and occasionally selling as "Daddy Daughter Pedal Works"
Not for any real profit, just trying to have a self-funding hobby.


That's great!  I didn't get one on my last order, but you're convincing me I need this  ;D