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Cavedweller2 noise

Started by MadMilo666, February 22, 2020, 08:28:57 PM

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I Finally built the Cavedweller 2, I love the sound, but I have some issues.
1) When I plug in the power, the Led Diode makes a flash, very fast.
Even when the pedal isn't turned on, is it normal?
2) The pedal makes more noise than I expected, when I'm in clean I don't notice it at all, but when I play on the dirty channel, I hear a disturbing noise only when I play, it's a kind of whistle.
3) When my delay is at maximum and I increase the RPT, it makes a kind of Larsen effect, and doesn't stop until I decrease it.
Could it be caused by the PT2399? maybe it's damaged.
4) when I increase the bias trimmer for the 2n5457, I don't notice any difference at all, except when it's turned all the way up, then I don't get a clear sound.

In my opinion the problem is caused by the pt2399, wich could be damaged, what do you think?
Any help would be appreciated.

On request I could even send some photos or if possible video


I think maybe clear up-close pictures of both sides of the board along with voltages on your pt2399s. If you can record a small bit of what you're talking about, that may help. Reflow all of your solder joints and make sure all of your values and polarities are right.
Pedal building is like the opposite of sex.  All the fun stuff happens before you get in the box.


I measured the voltages at the pt2399:
1 - 5.0V
2 - 2.53V
3 - 0V
4 - 0V
6 - 2.5V


Since the bias trimmer doesn't change much, I was asking myself, what exactly is the 2n5457 supposed to do here? maybe this could be the problem


Quote from: MadMilo666 on February 23, 2020, 10:07:47 AM
I measured the voltages at the pt2399:
1 - 5.0V
2 - 2.53V
3 - 0V
4 - 0V
6 - 2.5V
A  pt2399 has 16 pins

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Pedal building is like the opposite of sex.  All the fun stuff happens before you get in the box.


Quote from: jimilee on February 22, 2020, 10:17:43 PM
I think maybe clear up-close pictures of both sides of the board along with voltages on your pt2399s. If you can record a small bit of what you're talking about, that may help. Reflow all of your solder joints and make sure all of your values and polarities are right.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Pedal building is like the opposite of sex.  All the fun stuff happens before you get in the box.


1) That looks odd ... never seen that before.
2-3) The PT2399 is not realy hi-fi ... especially at long delay time and many repeats it becomes noisy. However, it won't hurt to audition another PT2399 chip (bought from a reputable seller). And, double check your soldering. Also, you could try to power it by battery just to see if your power supply is causing you some noise issues.
4) The 5457 is just an input buffer/splitter. I think the trimmer is only to set maximum possible headroom, to make sure that the JFET does not distort with hot input signals. So, the fact that you don't hear a lot of change over a wide range of the trimmer is not a problem.


Ok thanks a lot!
about the noise, it's not that much, in clean you don't even notice it, it's a kind of "Zipper" noise that you hear only when you play.
I now the pt2399 has 16 pins, but I don't think that measuring on other pins would be that good, they seem to be all in or out for signal lp filter