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LED on/off Backwards?

Started by Roctopus, November 14, 2011, 04:45:23 AM

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Hey guys,

I just finished building a DeadRinger (Fulltone Fulldrive clone) and noticed that the LED on the boost side of the pedal lights up when the switch is off and turns off when the boost is engaged...kinda backwards. Any ideas why?



Yeah, you will have to connect the led to the bottom center pole on the switch instead of the top pole as shown in the build doc.  I did the same thing on mine.


Quote from: dwstanford on November 14, 2011, 04:58:05 AM
Yeah, you will have to connect the led to the bottom center pole on the switch instead of the top pole as shown in the build doc.  I did the same thing on mine.

awesome! totally worked :) thank you sir!