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This is my work

Started by yanko_mr, November 07, 2011, 05:59:04 PM

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Well this is as far as i went, trying to wire it was a pain in the ass so I give up...



Wiring complex circuits on pad per hole board is always a pain. I did a big muff on one too and it was a nightmare. I would start with a pcb if I was you, you already have the enclosure and assorted mechanical parts. You were making the layout yourself or using someones existing single sided layout as a guide? It looks like your traces aren't going anywhere, are you going to connect them later? I used the GGG layout for my Mayo clone but it was still lots of work.


I was going for the mudbunny, but yeah the wiring is a bitch, i will just order the pcb, and try with an easier project for the per hole board


Bummer man... those perfs are tricky work, I've had problems myself
Hopefully you can get the pedal working with a pc-board transplant!


I TOTALLY recommend you start with a PCB if you're new at this. I really, really, really dislike using perf for anything other than a buffer or mosfet boost.

JMK Pedals - Custom Pedal Creations
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I agree with what everyone has said. I just used perf board for the first time making the charge pump in my quadrovibe and that was enough for me to want to avoid it at all costs from now on. PCBs will make your life so much easier and will end up with a smaller footprint when you're boxing it up.


I agree. Perfboard projects are okay for simple stuff like buffers & boosts, otherwise they are best left to the meticulous, patient, and possibly slightly deranged. You can check your work 100 times and still be wrong somewhere.

I did one Perf project--and that's probably the only one I will do! Not my idea of fun...

Vero is about as dangerous as I will go any more.



if it doesn't work out, you're a great photographer!  I mean this in the most sincere way.


My one and only perf was a Lovetone big cheese, worked a treat but was an experience. Pcb ftw. Or vero.


Don't quit building! The pictures are proof that you can do this stuff. Your soldering on those small pads looks really good. If you get a pcb for the mudbunny, it will be a breeze compared to what you have already tackled. Put that board up and after you have build a few pcb's, I bet you will be able to finish it.


Thanks everybody, jaja, well is new day and i feel better, Last night I made my order, one cupcake one pork barrel and one mudbunny, jaja, the peerhole was a bad idea for such a complex project. I am learning, and so far is a great experience.


And i fial again i have a wrong adress in my paypal, they ship it to Mexico and I live in US....


My only venture into perf

I got lucky and it works a charm.


To think everything was once done P-t-P or perf, now we have much simpler ways. I've never had problems with perf, it seems to make sense to me but I admit its not the easiest. Especially the stuff Frequency Central does!
Owner and operator of Magic Pedals