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Fabbed ROG 22/7 PCB?

Started by vizcities, July 11, 2019, 06:29:37 AM

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Does anyone sell one? For some reason, this project is calling to me - I love the "non-Muff Muff" as a genre - but I can't seem to find a fabbed board at any of the usual ROG-friendly places (Fuzzdog, TH Custom, etc.). If nothing is around, I'll try the vero or perf version; that said, I'm definitely in "low risk of failure" mode & don't feel like going through the hours of troubleshooting that inevitably arise when I try to do larger/more complex stuff in those particular formats. I saw someone mention that VFE made 22/7 boards (or full pedals?) at some point in another thread... any extra info on that would be super-appreciated, too.


I do see a board up on OSHPark, about 21$ for 3 boards if you want to go that route. Could also pull the board file and get it fab'd somewhere cheaper I suppose, if you want to go to that much effort. Also the build doc link isn't working anymore so you'd need to go from the schematic.


I've made one on perf, and it isn't really that big a project. Only one IC.
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