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Slow Loris Mod for Bass

Started by niiico, October 24, 2011, 04:00:53 PM

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I just ordered a slow loris PCB that I want to mod for extra distortion / OD styles (inspired by the BYOC Mouse).

But i also would like to know if you have an idea of what can be made to adapt this RAT clone to a Bass?

Thank you


easiest and most effective mods (probably, this is untested) are increase C1 and C12, probably at least 0.1uF, but more won't hurt.

C4 can go higher to cut more high end if you want. try maybe 400pF or so.

C8 can go a little higher to make the cut control more bass-friendly so more high-end will be cut. try maybe 0.01uF.

C2 is also a low pass filter, depending on how much high end you want, you could increase it to cut more out, but i won't consider this necessary since you can just use the cut control to do more or less the same thing.

one other mod you could try is to put a large cap in series with the clipping diodes to limit the amount of bass that gets distorted. the one would take a lot of playing around with to get the exact value, try something like 0.1uF. on the madbean diagram it should go from lug 2 on the switch to ground. this one is sort of experimental and i haven't tried it myself, but it theoretically should work and sound cool.

anyway, i suggest socketing the components that you plan on changing. let us know how it turns out.


Thank you for your answer.

I'll try some of the mods.

(modified : I wasn't looking at the last schema, I found C12 :) )


I just ordered all the componants.

I'll post the results in a few... weeks. :-( Not enough time to do it right now.

Stay tuned ;-)


I received the PCBs and just had time to solder a few componants before my iron died;  :(

Too bad


Drag! Let us know how it turns out once you get a fresh iron  ;D



I've managed to use another iron... But the project isn't finished. Everything is soldered and seems to work outside of the box, but I cannot work on the enclosure right now...

When the project will be "boxed", I'll try different configurations with the "bass" mods.


 If I modded this pedal for bass, I would just remove the 47ohm/2.2uf pair on the feedback loop, for less low frequency roll off. Increase the input cap to 100n or more, to let more bass frequencies in, and increase output cap to 100n or more to increase bass on the output. Also, you can probably increase the 100pf capacitor across the feedback loop, to 220pf or more. I would also try it w/ out the diode clipping, and see how it sounds w/ just the opamp doing the clipping, or use a switch for diodes or no diodes.
Owner of Luck Duck Pedals (LDP)



the beast is boxed in a raw 1590BB and working!

As previously said, I added some mods from the BYOC Mouse (lots of different Distortion and Overdrive settings with a rotary switch).

Speaking about components and bass mods, the pedal is stock right now. I'll need some more time to test different settings.

Stay tuned ;-)


Happy new year, etc.


So, speaking about the slow loris (or mighty loris in fact :) ), I've tried different mods and I have to admit I didn't heard lots of differences with stock version. Maybe my amp is filtering the differences or my hears aren't sensible enough...

I'll finish a "clean" boxing and keep it like that for a while and then will try to come back to stock to "see" if I can hear something new.

Whatever, the different sounds are very good.