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Substituting the 22nF film caps on a Slow Loris...?

Started by mgwhit, October 18, 2011, 03:02:58 AM

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I wasn't paying close enough attention on my last component order and accidentally bought some 22nF box film caps that are 7.5mm wide, way too big to fit the C1 and C12 spots on my new Slow Loris board.  (I know it's my own dumb fault, but why Tayda even stocks these things is beyond me.)

I could probably fit one in the C1 position, but it would have to rest on top of R1 and R11.  Would that cause any problems?

I've got an extra 33nF cap I could use, too.  If you were going to sub a 33nF in C1 (input) or C12 (tone filter), which position would you prefer to use it in?  Thanks!


I would bend the leads in and use the 7.5mm caps anyway. Try and not let the leads touch anything else - that shouldn't be too hard if you're careful.

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33nF and 22nF are actually pretty close, so the difference between them is probably quite small. If I had to choose where to put the 22nF, it would be C12 since that would preserve the frequency response of the filter, but even then it likely wouldn't really matter that much.

If it were up to me, I would just jam the 22nF's in there somewhere even if they're sticking off the board a little.

on another note, those caps are huge considering they're only rated for 63V.


I crammed a couple of those onto my snow white wah build.  The leads are actually 5mm apart but the wide body is actually the problematic area (they're about the same size as panasonic 1 uF caps).  I had to sit mine kind of "on top" of a couple of resistors and it worked out for me, but those new slow lori are probably a lot tighter.

If you want, pm me your address and I'll mail you a couple of 22n's if you're in the states.
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Thanks everyone!  The good news is that I found another (thinner) 22nF cap on my breadboard, so I think I can complete the Slow Loris without it getting too ugly.  I'll try to cram one of those fat bastards into C1 first and see how that works.  If I'm not happy with that, I'll put the thin 22nF there and use a 33nF on C12 since it's adjustable with the Filter knob anyway.

The bad news is that I need four more for my EgoDriver (1) and Super White Auto Wah (3).  Time to just break down and do one of those totally small, take a beating on shipping orders.


Quote from: mgwhit on October 18, 2011, 03:02:58 AM
I wasn't paying close enough attention on my last component order and accidentally bought some 22nF box film caps that are 7.5mm wide, way too big to fit the C1 and C12 spots on my new Slow Loris board.  (I know it's my own dumb fault, but why Tayda even stocks these things is beyond me.)

Um.... how else would they fit all the mojo in there  ;D
Contract PCB designer


Quote from: gtr2 on October 18, 2011, 03:58:19 PMUm.... how else would they fit all the mojo in there  ;D

They're definitely full of something....


Mouser is great for these small orders. Sure three dollars shipping on 40 cents worth of components sucks but it still beats the usual suspects.


Looking for a discontinued madbean board?  Check out my THREAD

Now carrying Matched JFETS


exactly what I was going to recommend Hab. I've used those epcos caps in my last three builds with no complaints.


Thanks, everyone.  I've got an email out to a local friend who builds -- hoping he has some.  Otherwise, I'll put in a small mouser order.

I tried ebay earlier today and found this sweet deal...with free shipping!  Note the picture, the seller and the full description. :(


I've used this seller for panasonic polys.  They work out to be a little under 10 cents/each and free shipping.

eBay seller: chinaeproducts

Contract PCB designer