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Sharkfin 2015 - decay pot question

Started by Bret608, November 26, 2018, 04:43:17 PM

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I'm hoping someone who has also built a Sharkfin can help me confirm how the decay control on my build should behave. I just boxed the 2015 version and it sounds really cool. However, is it normal for the decay pot to shut off all sound if it's fully counter-clockwise, and to make a small, ground-y crackle just before it gets there?

When boxing this, I attempted to use a small bezel for the 3mm LED for the S/H indication. It looked like it was just about in a position to short out against lug 3 of the decay pot, so I insulated it with electrical tape just in case. All tested fine outside the box, but I can't remember if I tested the full range of that pot or not. Looking at the schem, the CCW sweep for the pot would be at lug 1. Comparing the 2013 and 2015 schems, the former has decay lug 1 tied to ground, and the latter has it tied to -9v. So not sure the best way to test it out...

Anyway, if someone confirms I have a problem here, I will give this the full tech help treatment if needed (pics, voltages, etc.)


It should not short or crackle. That could happen if it is seeing no resistance at all between -9v and the attack pot. IOW, there could be a problem with R18. Verify you have 10k there, ensure the soldering is good and check again for shorts.


Thanks! I will check that out tonight. One other thing I noticed yesterday--when I'm in S/H mode and turn Decay all the way down, the LED rate indicator shuts off.