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Speed up the Pork Barrell?

Started by LaceSensor, October 08, 2011, 05:18:21 PM

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Any way to get a bit more speed outta the rate knob on the pork barrel?
Sounds cool but want faster !

Something with a swtichable resistor mod would be ideal I reckon...


Drop the value of the resistor directly next to the speed pot. You could do this by either replacing that resistor with a lower value or by switching in one in parallel of the same value.


Or you can shrink the value of the 100nF cap in the LFO section, stick it on a switch perhaps between a smaller and larger value.
Works at Lectric-FX


Thanks for the tips! Will try and report back.

Great projects as always Brian. Looking forward to the low riders I've ordered for me and my bass player


Just to check

There are resistors connected to all 3 lugs of the rate pot

1 - 10k
2 - 1M
3 - 47K

Which one would you recommend I mess with?



Drop the value of the 10k. That sets the maximum speed when the pot is fully clockwise.



Just finished my PB earlier this week, and I had the same request. It sounds fabulous but the slow speed is really too slow (it doesn't seem to be chorusing) and I am fan of modulation effects that get pretty fast and crazy.
I'll drop the 10k to increase max speed, is it the same resistor or a different one that sets the minimum speed?
Owner and operator of Magic Pedals


mine is the version 2 is that the same deal?


Quote from: LaceSensor on October 09, 2011, 06:10:02 PM
mine is the version 2 is that the same deal?

Yes that's the version I built. Looking at the schem the 47k (R33) is on the opposite turn of the speed pot, I'm thinking that might adjust the slower speeds. Making a guess but I think I'll look up some LFO circuits.
Owner and operator of Magic Pedals


Kinda killing me right now as this thing was meant to knock a biyang ch-8 off my board and I dont think it will (!)


If you change the 100nF though you'll shift the entire range so those slow speeds wont even be achievable any more.

Makes much more sense to me than trying to adjust the maximum and minimum range.

If you feel the Biyang is superior in sound perhaps consider changing the Clock cap to adjust the (delay) intensity of the effect, the 47pF.
Works at Lectric-FX


Quote from: Scruffie on October 09, 2011, 11:53:00 PM
If you change the 100nF though you'll shift the entire range so those slow speeds wont even be achievable any more.

Makes much more sense to me than trying to adjust the maximum and minimum range.

If you feel the Biyang is superior in sound perhaps consider changing the Clock cap to adjust the (delay) intensity of the effect, the 47pF.

Have not messed with any caps yet, tried to run another 10k resistor in parallel and didn't her any discernible difference in speed.

Ideally I'd like it to go very fast and keep the slows too.
It's not that it sounds bad or inferior, on the contrary it's a lovely sound but I need fast chorus.

I also like that the biyang adds level but I can always add a sho or similar on with a trimpot


One other thing I though of: change the rate pot to 1M and R35 to 100k. I think that would keep the slowest speed but also increase the max speed. Leave R36 at 10k, I think.


Hey bean, with the second board I'm going to socket a bunch and see what the results are. Bass player is gonna probably take this first one. It does sound lush, just a tad more rate and it'd be perfect.

One other gripe, I did the wet switch for ore bass. Can't really hear more bass and also the switch pops. Any ideas?