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Egodriver LED problems

Started by insomniac2295, October 08, 2011, 04:19:38 AM

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Did you follow the instructions in the doc on how to correct the wiring for LEDs? It sounds to me like you have them connected to ground rather than VB.


After fixing an off board wiring mixup, I probed down to C8 where the signal stopped (and also going into the tone pot, etc). I replaced C8 and now this happened! I don't know when or how it happened, but now I'm missing a solder pad! Am I completely efffffd now?


Quote from: madbean on October 09, 2011, 01:21:10 AM
Did you follow the instructions in the doc on how to correct the wiring for LEDs? It sounds to me like you have them connected to ground rather than VB.

yeah, I checked, rechecked, and checked again to make sure I had the LED's wired up correctly based on the correction made in the instructions.


Gotta be so careful desoldering those fabbed pcbs! I use a desolder pump and great care. You can fix it, just put the lead of the replaced component through the hole of the dead pad and run it to the next point on the pcb if possible, then make a new solder connection there.  Check the schem to make sure of the right pad to choose


Yeah I was thinking of giving that a try in the morning. I've never had this problem before. Guess there's a first time for everything.


finally got it working! Turns out I melted C8 pretty good. after I replaced it and got that lead going to lug 1 of the tone pot from the damaged pad, it's workin' great!! thanks so much for the help everyone!
