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Lovetone Ringstinger

Started by LaceSensor, September 25, 2011, 10:24:00 PM

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Finished mine today, minus the decals for the case.
Sounds excellent, but there is a bit of bleed thru of the octave fuzz mode into bypass. No bleed of the ring mod. Not sure how to get rid of that, but honestly, I dont think I am too bothered.

Here are some pre-finishing touches pics...



oustanding, man you do great stuff  :)

you set up to do a sound bite?
Looking for a discontinued madbean board?  Check out my THREAD

Now carrying Matched JFETS


Soon your gonna conquer the whole lovepedal arsenal!
It does look like a sorta extensive build..
Owner and operator of Magic Pedals



Ridiculous!! +1 for an itty bitty sound clip

Quote from: nzCdog on September 25, 2011, 11:41:15 PM
Epic! What does it do?

It's a ring modulator, some say the best sounding


Correct as stated its Lovetone's take on the Ring Modulator.
Does some really incredible stuff, and thats before you even start messing with external carriers and CV controls over different parameters. With just a guitar and amp connected you can get some really stunning (in a destroyed way) sounds.

I will be making  a demo of this cos everyone who has seen it is asking for me to do one.

I am on the way to completing my Lovetone Experience in one way or another:

1- Own the Doppelganger
2 - Owned the Flanger.
3 - DIY'd the Big Cheese, Brown Source (to finish) and Cheese Source
4 - DIY'd the Meatball using MeatSphere PCB
5 - DIY'd the Ring Stinger as above with the String Ringer v1.2 PCB

Only one left is the Wobulator. I know its been done, so I am hoping I can convince the guy to share his secrets with me...

Out of interest here is the Source and Meatball:

Messy but it works!


Here is a teaser "Whats that sound?!?! Oh my god..."
I have a 12 min long one going thru most of the controls which is taking ages to upload.


I've always loved this one. I've etched the board half a dozen times but someone invariable asks me for one before I get to it. I've had the schematic half drawn in Eagle for quite a while, too. Maybe I should finish it off!

Excellent work, Lace.


Quote from: madbean on September 26, 2011, 01:51:47 PM
I've always loved this one. I've etched the board half a dozen times but someone invariable asks me for one before I get to it. I've had the schematic half drawn in Eagle for quite a while, too. Maybe I should finish it off!

Excellent work, Lace.

Its pretty damn cool!
I wanna make a light jack dont spose you have the schematic for it do you?

Gonna get on with some of your boards after this.
I have populated the Pork Barrel, and need to wire it and box it. Then the Dig Dug! and many more than I picked up off the forums in a bulk buy. :)


This pedal is off the hook! I could find sooo many uses for something like that. It really sounds more like a synth than a guitar pedal to me..I can't wait to see your full video demo.
Owner and operator of Magic Pedals


didnt get uploaded before I left for the airport today :(
so it will be friday earliest. I have to be in France for work...

You should get one built yourself! They just take time, its not really any harder than a standard small pedal. Just times that by 10. But it makes about 1000 times the noise, so its worth 10 times the effort.
Ive had the boards since...early summer...and its just finished. Granted I was waiting for some nice hookup wire to do it all with from that Barry at He also etched the boards for me.

Im sure there are folks here that could etch the board, or maybe you can do it yourself?
That is probably the key,  a well etched board for starters.

I am not set up for etching pcb, I usually use Veroboard. So I used barry. He charged me about $70 for 2 sets (large main board and daughter transformer board) IIRC, so about $35 which I think is a great deal. I know it was about $100 or so including 2 of his other boards which are about $12 each, plus s&h.

Im not biasing to any providor here, as I say i am sure there are other vendors or DIY that can make it.

Really stoked to have made this and have it work first time. Only debug required was a ground hum, just retouched the solder on each of the grounds. My only gripe is when in octave fuzz mode, you can hear it in bypass very slightly. Not the case with the Ring Mod. Which is wierd. If anything Id have expected the Ring to bleed, not the fuzz. I am not sure how the switching really works, maybe input grounding is needed. For now I can simply bypass the fuzz and on/off when kicking it on and off, but really, its more about the ring mod with this. Still, the octave fuzz is excellent and it would be nice to have that as a standalone. Its inspired me to make a proper trandsformer Octavia some time.

Anyway, enough gushing. Its so awesome though ;) and yes many many uses, even subtle stuff, as my big video will show.


Yes I can etch so that's not a problem for me. I'll have to get some of those layouts from you at some point and give it a go.
Looking at the size of the board I don't think I have copper clad that size  :-\
But I do need to make another order from abcfab
Owner and operator of Magic Pedals




Thanks all!

Here is the full demo

Excuse me in general  (playing, presentation, camera skills, sound)