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How to power a multieffect pedal correctly

Started by sarde, March 08, 2018, 03:12:07 AM

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I'm building a multi effect pedal comprised of: vfe pale horse, fat pants jr, th-customs nope relay, perfboard buffer circuit.

Do I need to do anything special to reliably power it besides running v+ to each effect (while avoiding making ground loops)?

Also would including a 9v battery option be a problem (besides battery life and ecological concerns)?
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I usually use decoupling for each effect with a 100r and 100uf but I've had some issues for my larger multis doing so, in that some effects (rubadub on vero will motorboat, porkbarrel doesn't always chorus) wouldn't work correctly.  After measuring the DC I suspect that the voltage drop was too much - it was around 8.5v coming off the vero power buss - and hooking it up directly fixed it.

I will use a bit of vero as a central buss/hookup location though.  It's a lot easier than hooking 5x 9v/grounds to a power jack.  Don't bother with a battery - things get cramped up enough as it is.


OK, I think I understand what Willybomb is saying to do and it makes sense to me. Thanks!

But, do I need to do this for circuits that already have power decoupling as part of their design (like the VFE pedal which has its own power filtering)? I also think the fatpants has some power filtering if I read c6 and r7 on the schematic right; however the values are much lower than Willybomb's recommended 100r & 100uf (fatpants jr r7=22r and c6=47uf). Is this a sufficient amount of power decoupling?
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Aleph Null

Quote from: Willybomb on March 08, 2018, 09:44:14 AMI will use a bit of vero as a central buss/hookup location though.  It's a lot easier than hooking 5x 9v/grounds to a power jack.  Don't bother with a battery - things get cramped up enough as it is.

I too have had good success using a piece of vero to connect ground and power connections in parallel. Most modern circuits will have some sort of basic noise/power filtering, so more usually isn't required. Really high gain circuits or LFOs may require special consideration.