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if theres one thing i can ask of you all....

Started by chromesphere, February 01, 2018, 11:49:35 PM

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...Please keep this forum the way it is.  Respectful, helpful, kind.  It really is a special place, an anamoly.  Don't take this place for granted.  I'm not sure I know of any forum that has such a respectful and co-operative culture...

This comment comes from a recent experience.  It was a pretty horrible and juvenile atmosphere. After signing up to the forum and talking in a polite and genuine manner (like us beaners tend to do), I was verbally abused by 3 long standing forum members.  Just, bang, straight into it.  I was shocked and instantly started thinking up a retort, but then realized that that place wasn't for me.  I didn't even bite back, just responded respectfully again.  More insults.  "noob" was said numerous times as well as other words I wont repeat.  Then they started abusing each other....seriously...what the hell...I literally just introduced myself and asked 1 basic question about the forum.  I'm not used to forum life outside of the pedal world, I read but don't often participate much.  I think I will stick with this place as my forum home :)

Peace brothers.
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Good comment! And, everyone should be aware that there is a "report to moderator" for all posts. If someone is failing to follow the few simple (and rather self-evident) rules we have, don't be afraid to use it. In almost ten years I think I've only had to ban 5 people. Three of those were in the last 6 months. I might be getting crankier with age so ain't nobody got time for that.


I'm starting to understand why it's such a bitch to be a teenager. The internet can be a dark and horrible place and seems to cultivate the same. We have such a good crew around here and even when we disagree we do it with respect. That's not always easy. its not supposed to be.
Gordy Power
How loud is too loud?  What?


I'm pretty proud we police each other and stand together. Paul is right, there is a lot of crap that doesn't happen with this group.

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Pedal building is like the opposite of sex.  All the fun stuff happens before you get in the box.


Seriously. There may be arguments and disagreements, but when it is just bashing, it's not fun. But, we do stop it pretty quickly, even of we have a little fun with them:)


Quote from: gordo on February 02, 2018, 01:14:34 AM
I'm starting to understand why it's such a bitch to be a teenager. The internet can be a dark and horrible place and seems to cultivate the same. We have such a good crew around here and even when we disagree we do it with respect. That's not always easy. its not supposed to be.

Very proud of our community here.  I've learned so much, and enjoyed every minute.
All You Need Is Love


Thanks for the encouragement Paul. I know I'm new around here. Frankly I've never really liked forums that much. To put it nicely most just have to much noise to wade through to get to anything worthwhile. This is the first place that I've found worth the time and effort. I guess what I'm saying is it's nice to have found this place and it's all of you guys that have made it what it is. So thanks.


I bounced around between forums but never felt at home till I entered the Beanosphere 8) This forum and it’s members are the best. It filters down from our fearless leader and kudos to Brian for creating an open and creative environment for us.


I'm sorry you had to go through that Paul. It's amazing how cold people can be on the web.  This place is definitely a diamond in the rough.  I've been lurking on a few diy guitar amp forums lately but I've been afraid to ask questions based on the overall vibe I get reading though old posts.


Paul that sucks! Sorry to hear that. This place is VERY special. I hope it never devolves. I am on a couple other forums but hardly post ILF, DIYSB, and Vinylcollective. Mostly I lurk and ask a question here and there but this place will always be my "go to". It's home. I think it's the respect for each other and the live for what we do that makes it so cool and friendly.

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I've seen that very thing happen to a forum I'm part of and I post a lot less now because of it.  The bigger the forum has become the worse it has gotten.  These days if a new member makes a mistake there's practically a race to see who can get in first with the funniest attacks.  It's not the entire forum but definitely an element which I could only describe as toxic. 

IMHO Madbean is the most noob friendly forum I've encountered I've learned a lot from this place and have no qualms posting questions which are terribly basic to many of you chaps but still confuse a relative noob like myself.


Yes this place is really something special. Love it!! :)


Post of the year, already :)

DIYSB is also still quite good, and noob friendly. I find myself posting tech questions not related to bean projects on there usually as I don't want to clog this place up to much (keep the focus on MBP a bit). I guess that's just self-policing.


Well said Paul.

I like it when people are normal, I dont bother to read Youtube comments as they all too often descend into pathetic name calling.



I live at DIYSB and here.  I've only recently tuned into the slightly different vibe here.  I've been known to engage in what I consider playful ribbing and dry humor when discussing technical things.  I do try to be genuinely helpful at the same time, and I try to gauge whether people are receptive to my style of comments.  There have been a few occasions where I  know I have been misunderstood, however (not necessarily here though), and I have caused serious offense.  If I ever come across as discourteous, arrogant, or abusive, it is unintentional, so please let me know.
"There is a pestilence upon this land. Nothing is sacred. Even those who arrange and design shrubberies are under considerable economic stress in this period in history." --Roger the Shrubber