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PicKit2 Software?

Started by kinski, January 30, 2018, 03:18:08 PM

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Hi all, I'm gearing up to get my Molecular Compactor up and running. Just waiting on the Pickit2 and FV-1 to arrive in the mail. Seems the Pickit2 software is not compatible with Mac, only PC. And I can't seem to find any other software out there. Anyone here programing their chips on a mac? If so, how?



Quote from: kinski on January 30, 2018, 03:18:08 PM
Hi all, I'm gearing up to get my Molecular Compactor up and running. Just waiting on the Pickit2 and FV-1 to arrive in the mail. Seems the Pickit2 software is not compatible with Mac, only PC. And I can't seem to find any other software out there. Anyone here programing their chips on a mac? If so, how?


I have a PICKit 3, but the 2 shows up in MPLab X as well (on the Mac). Are you using the MicroChip IDE to program?

That being said, I did not know that the PICKit2 worked to program  the FV-1. I am quite surprised.

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Hey thanks for your response!

I haven't done anything yet. Just build most of the PCB. So I can use the MPLAB-X in stead of the Pickit2 program?

I was going to make patches with SpinCad, since it seems SpinASM does not work on Mac either.


Quote from: kinski on January 30, 2018, 04:03:21 PM
Hey thanks for your response!

I haven't done anything yet. Just build most of the PCB. So I can use the MPLAB-X in stead of the Pickit2 program?

I was going to make patches with SpinCad, since it seems SpinASM does not work on Mac either.

Ive found the same. The Spin stuff is decidedly not Mac happy. A shame because it is all Java crap. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

As to the programming PIC chips, yes definitely use MPLabs X, although I suspect that you are not doing any PIC stuff.

I bought myself a PC just to use Windows only tools.


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Thanks! Do you know what program can I use to convert code to HEX on a mac? I need a mac alternative to SpinASM!


Quote from: kinski on January 30, 2018, 04:39:28 PM
Thanks! Do you know what program can I use to convert code to HEX on a mac? I need a mac alternative to SpinASM!

Not to be negative but GOOD LUCK! I purposefully stay away from anything "spin" related. it's horrible software and nothing else works with it. I tried it once and it was a F*&^ING NIGHTMARE!

As for the Hex converter there are a bunch of them in the app store.


Ah, so I can take the code and put it into to any hex converter to make a hex file? I thought I needed spinAsm. Sorry, i know nothing about this stuff right now. Just trying to figure it all out.


Quote from: kinski on January 30, 2018, 05:15:13 PM
Ah, so I can take the code and put it into to any hex converter to make a hex file? I thought I needed spinAsm. Sorry, i know nothing about this stuff right now. Just trying to figure it all out.

No. You need an assembler to turn code into a HEX file. I think the previous poster was confusing hexadecimal viewer with a code generator.

He was correct about how awful those tools are though.

I think your only solution is to run the needed software in a Windows VM. I recommend Parallels, although VMWare works too.



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I couldn't get the PicKit2 to work on my Mac. I have a cheap old Windows/Linux laptop that I use for the few things I can't do on OS X. 

But, SpinCAD does work on Mac, I've found.
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Quote from: culturejam on January 30, 2018, 06:02:19 PM
I couldn't get the PicKit2 to work on my Mac. I have a cheap old Windows/Linux laptop that I use for the few things I can't do on OS X. 

But, SpinCAD does work on Mac, I've found.

That kind of makes sense come to think of it, it being Java stuff. Thx for clarifying.

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Damn, okay. I'll see about installing Windows on my mac.

I've been messing with SpinCad, using the simulator to hear the patches I come up with. Not too bad, but certainly limited. Thank you all for the help.


Here is an old blog post I did a few years back about the Pickit2 on OSX.

With all the changes to the file system security to OSX the past few years this may not work anymore. I did test the software link and it still works.

I ended up getting a PC on my work bench for my USB enabled tools (DCA, Oscilloscope, ect) and do all my PIC writing/erasing on it. Using my MacBook was just to much trouble since the software for these tools are rarely updated. On a plus side, I no longer have to take my MacBook out to my bench, I hated it since i felt like it was going to get dropped or something on it.



Yeah the download link works, but the program gives and error when you try to run it. Oh well. I'm currently trying to get Windows running on my Mac. Think I got it. Still gonna be a while till I get the pedal built. So just trying to get everything else worked out before then.

Thanks for the help!