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Clear coating Posca pen artwork - recommendations?

Started by Philtre, January 30, 2018, 09:10:05 AM

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Hi all, I'm new to pedal building and new to this forum. I recently got into this by taking the challenge of building a pedal and learning about electronics. You can read about my efforts over on the Fretboard forum -

So, here's my question - I'm using Posca pens for my (cheesy) pedal enclosure artwork and for my first pedal I applied a few layers of Rustoleum Crystal Clear Gloss spray ( This is OK, but I'm wondering if folks here have any other recommendations? The pedal I'm currently working on is housed in a Hammond 1590BB Black enclosure which happens to have a nice matte, textured finish. I don't want to clear coat this with a gloss spray, so need to use something matte. Any tips or recommendations?

Aleph Null

If you are happy with the coverage and durability of the Rustoleum, you could use the same stuff for your current project, then dull the gloss finish with some #0000 steel wool (or the equivalent synthetic 3M pad). You might want to add a few more coats if you go this route to avoid burning through the clear coat.


Quote from: Aleph Null on January 30, 2018, 05:18:57 PM
If you are happy with the coverage and durability of the Rustoleum, you could use the same stuff for your current project, then dull the gloss finish with some #0000 steel wool (or the equivalent synthetic 3M pad). You might want to add a few more coats if you go this route to avoid burning through the clear coat.

Yes, that's a possibility. Thanks. At this stage, I'm not sure about the durability of Rustoleum Crystal Clear, so I'd be interested to hear what other people use for clear coat sprays.


I've used the rustoleum crystal clear enamel a few times. No problems with it yet. Had it on one pedal at least a year. Time will tell I guess. Going to try envirotex sometime but that's stuff seems pretty glossy so might not be what you are looking for.


I've used mini wax clear laquer several times and been very pleased with the result. Dries quickly and is very durable.

Never with that type of marker though, so it might be worth testing first.