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Does anyone have the Stomptown Galacticon SMD P45 Build Doc?

Started by zombie_rock123, December 18, 2017, 08:01:34 PM

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Hello, just wondered if anyone had this build doc to hand. I messaged Stomptown but feel bad for pestering the dude as he shut his shop so shouldn't have a bellend like me badgering him.

Just feel bad cause I PIF'd the board and thought I had it saved but don't. In case anyone's looking I *do* have the Lycanthrope Tremolo and Penneyroyal chorus docs.
I sometimes label builds rockwright


I need this too... thought I had it as well and checked and I don't.  Still have to build this one up.



I believe if you search around on here there is a Dropbox folder from a few months back that has his build docs.




No problem.  I've dropped the ball on making these readily accessible but I'm hoping to change that in the next few days.



Quote from: fair.child on December 22, 2017, 05:43:47 AM
Quick question, will it fit 1590g? 8)

If I had to guess I'd say no.  You might be able to fit it sideways but it might take up too much vertical space even if it technically fits..  Unfortunately I'm in the middle transitioning to a new computer and can't access the files to get the board dimensions right now. My advice would be to measure the pcb and compare it to the average dimensions of the madbean 1590g projects.  That should give you the answer.