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What happened to Rej and Grindcustoms ?

Started by blearyeyes, December 16, 2017, 06:25:23 AM

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Anyone know what happened to Rej? His site is down and I been away for a while......


No idea, but his sites been down for some time.  Weeks, at least.  Shame that.Good projects.  Hope he's okay, just busy elsewhere.


Though we haven't been in touch in about 12 months now, he occasionally posts to Facebook so I think he's ok. I suspect work and life just getting in the way. As it does sometimes. It'd be awesome if he got back into it. We've already got some new projects and have updated some old ones with plans to do a few others if he did. As it is, they're just sat there.
Gnomepage - DIY effects library & stuff in the Stompage bit
"I excite very large doom for days" - playpunk


I remember him posting about getting a new job as a miner in northern Canada before he dropped off the radar. I think he said his work schedule made it difficult to run Grind Customs.

He seemed happy about the job though. Maybe he'll pop back up sometime.

Either way Best of luck to him.


I'm glad he is still with us and it sounds like his new job got in the way.
I fell of the radar as well and have a few Grind projects I need to get docs for.
Maybe one of you guys has Docs laying around?
This is what I pulled out of the dusty ditty bag:

Catch 22
Ultra Stoner

I would really appreciate any help finding these Docs.


shoot me your email via pm and i can send you the docs for the fluffgirl, catch22 and ultrastoner.
I build pedals to hide my lousy playing.

My projects are labeled Quantum Effects. My shared OSH park projects:
My build docs and tutorials


Quote from: blearyeyes on December 16, 2017, 07:08:22 PM
I'm glad he is still with us and it sounds like his new job got in the way.
I fell of the radar as well and have a few Grind projects I need to get docs for.
Maybe one of you guys has Docs laying around?
This is what I pulled out of the dusty ditty bag:

Catch 22
Ultra Stoner

I would really appreciate any help finding these Docs.

Docs are still hosted on my site from the last outage here:
Gnomepage - DIY effects library & stuff in the Stompage bit
"I excite very large doom for days" - playpunk


Thanks guys!

Now to building stuff!


So should I just forget about ever building my own Ultrastoner, or is there a vero or perf layout out there somewhere?



Quote from: mydogisarobot on January 20, 2018, 03:53:53 AM
So should I just forget about ever building my own Ultrastoner, or is there a vero or perf layout out there somewhere?

Juansolo posted a link to the Ultrastoner doc above, check it out. It's just a Big Muff Pi with different values, so you could probably use any old layout and make it work. That's what I plan to do eventually, some day, lol.


I'm facebook feiends with Rej, looks like he's just been busy with other projects. I know he was into modding Jeeps for a while, and I think he's been working on hot rodding a Nissan or Infinity more recently.