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NPD (not what you think)

Started by flanagan0718, September 28, 2017, 02:05:18 AM

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So my daughters day care teacher new someone that needed to find a home for a puppy. Naturally I couldn't say no. He is a one and a half year old husky / German Shepherd / malamute mix. He's a big dog at 90 lbs. My 10 year old Shepherd is about 90 lbs as well. I know you animal / dog lovers a wanting more pictures and less words so...

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Good on ya!

Hope it didn't pick up the howling part of the husky!


What a lovely dog!  It looks like everyone gets along well, too.
I'm sure your new pup will be very happy with his new home.
All You Need Is Love


Big dog lover here

...hes a handsome one. Are they friends yet?


partners in crime!  what a great couple of dogs



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Adorabe!  :)

I have two dogs aswell. Couldn't live without them..


Morning update: aside from an occasional snout in the face they did great last night. Loki (the new puppy) is a bit more playful but that's expected given his age. Everyone is getting along great!

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They're both beautiful, man. How much more growing does the new feller got, you reckon? I'm glad you're feeding those two and not me  ;D


Beautiful. And this is what I was expecting when you said "not what you think." I guess that line of reasoning makes me a dog person.
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Quote from: diablochris6 on September 28, 2017, 12:57:45 PM
Beautiful. And this is what I was expecting when you said "not what you think." I guess that line of reasoning makes me a dog person.

HAHA! Yeah i guess you may be a dog person...

Quote from: mrclean77 on September 28, 2017, 12:07:32 PM

They're both beautiful, man. How much more growing does the new feller got, you reckon? I'm glad you're feeding those two and not me  ;D

Well he is a year and a half old so not much. As for feeding...Glad I have a Costco membership! lol


Not gonna lie, I totally went with New Penis Day.  :o
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Man, what a dog.  I'm also a dog guy.  I grew up with them, and have a 4 year old Cairn Terrier named Pender.

Maybe we should turn this into a dog picture thread...