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"2 Channel" Egodriver

Started by k.rock!, August 30, 2011, 08:27:10 PM

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Hey guys,

I love my Egodriver a is my main overdrive right now (I did some minor mods to mine, mostly played with cap types and used BAT41 for clipping. Search for White Rhino under Build Reports for more details ;))..anywho, the way I built it was with a secondary footswitch which allows me to change between HP and LP modes easily. HP mode is fantastic for soloing cause it really cuts through the mix due to the higher frequencies passing, however the change in volume can be pretty abrupt, specially in small venues. I've found that in large venues and open arenas it works perfectly as it is.

So, I was thinking that adding a secondary volume pot in parallel with the existing one and switching it along with the modes would give the flexibility of having the HP mode in a particular volume and LP in a separate volume. Pretty straightforward I think. I have sketched it up like this:

I haven't tested this, but I really don't see why wouldn't it work. I think this would provide great flexibility and more control over this circuit, especially in live settings :)

What do you guys think?

God bless!


One thought (as an alternative): Put a 50kB pot wired as a variable resistor in place of the 22k and make that switchable. That way you only need one volume pot and your secondary volume control in the HP mode is the pot.


Quote from: madbean on August 30, 2011, 08:41:44 PM
One thought (as an alternative): Put a 50kB pot wired as a variable resistor in place of the 22k and make that switchable. That way you only need one volume pot and your secondary volume control in the HP mode is the pot.

Yes, that was my original thought as well, but wondered if that would alter the tone as well as the volume...

Would it?

I edited the image to show all the correct wiring now :P

God bless!


So I was looking at the new Egodriver document and saw the Clip switch option which is pretty cool...and I started wondering if by making the alternate (LED) clipping asymmetrical, we could obtain a more Plexi-esque sound out of it. I know it's often not this trivial (just switching clippers won't magically transform your pedal into another one) but since I have built both Plexitone and OCD, I can tell they sound a bit similar. And by Brian's description of how the LEDs change the sound (more clear, louder and more defined) it sounds to me like my same impression when I played through the Plexi comparing it to the OCD.

I'm going to build one and hopefully record a demo for you guys. My OCD will have the following:

- My current Egodriver circuit parts:
C2: Silver Mica
C6 & C8: Panasonic Film
C7, C9, C10: Tantalum
C5: Ceramic
The rest are 50V rated greenies
D1: BAT41
1M drive pot

- HP/LP modes footswitchable (like my current one)

- The mod I posted here of an additional Volume pot to control the HP volume (This will make the switch a 4PDT to include an LED indicator)

- A toggle switch to change clippers like the new version of the OCD but using asymmetrical LED clipping

I think this will make a reaaaaaally nice sounding pedal even better. We'll see! I'm excited! :D

God bless!


Cool man... might have to try this out, I never liked my OCD clone much so I should give your mod a go :)


I was thinking similar ideas but the footswich would be for the clipping diodes and  toggling switch for Hp/LP


Yeah dude, that'll work!

I play a lot live so in my case I've found the LP great for rythm (leads too) but HP shines on lead cause being a Hi Pass filter it enables your sound to cut through the mix a lot easier and gives your sound 2 different flavors of the same overall tone of a song. This is the beauty of DIY...we get to taylor our pedals around the way we use them...nice! :D

God bless!


You have to be careful with putting clipping diode switching on a stomp switch because sometimes there can be a drastic difference in volume between different types and combos of clipping diodes. Not that you can't do it, but try it for volume testing first.

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Quote from: jkokura on September 30, 2011, 02:14:19 AM
You have to be careful with putting clipping diode switching on a stomp switch because sometimes there can be a drastic difference in volume between different types and combos of clipping diodes. Not that you can't do it, but try it for volume testing first.


Good point Jacob...In that case, one can implement a separate volume knob like the one I have suggested here for that purpose and leave the HP/LP as different modes.

God bless!