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MadBean Cave Dweller

Started by Jakes Dad, May 28, 2017, 01:49:01 AM

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Jakes Dad

Built this one a while back and it went to the Box of Fail.  Had problems with another build that turned out to be a jack issue and realized I'd used the same ones in the Cave Dweller.  Replaced the jacks and now it's in the Box of Real Happy.  MadBean board, PT2399 sourced from Guitar PCB, black painted Hammond 1590A from Amazon, all other bits and pieces (except the jacks that didn't work) from Small Bear. 

Here's the box:

Found a plastic piece of something with a lot of holes in it in the garage, laid it on top of the box, masked the sides and sprayed a couple quick shots of satin purple, added some craft stamp labels then some satin clear and ran a counter sink in the LED hole.

Here's the guts:



always the beautiful answer who asks a more beautiful question.
e.e. cummings


Came out great! Love the painting mask you used. Cool paint effect.



That's one of my favorite delays, I have like 3 or 4 around here somewhere, one is on vero.

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Pedal building is like the opposite of sex.  All the fun stuff happens before you get in the box.


That's a great lookin build. It's definitely a cool delay, Brian hit a home run with that one.



The good ole Cave Dweller!  Nice looking.  I dig the purple.  Looks like an old muscle car.  I've got to do another one soon for my "little board".


Very nice!  I'm always impressed by tiny enclosure builds.
All You Need Is Love


That paintjob is really slick, well done.  And its 1590a!  I like 8)