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Tayda powdercoated enclosure..

Started by Willybomb, April 26, 2017, 02:07:21 PM

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Just had my Tayda order arrive (4 days!) and for poops and giggles I ordered a black powder coated BB for my Sovereign build (or any build, really) to see what it was like.

Seems ok.  A small mark, a bit of hammertoneish orange peel but definitely usable.  Not sure if I'll try cutting it back or not yet.  Not sure if I'll finish the box before attempting to drill the holes.  Who does that?  I normally drill, label, clearcoat.


If this is your first box colored box from them just be careful. They scratch super easy in my experience.  I also had one react crazy to Rustoleum clear (it crinkled the paint). The last one I did I taped everything off but the decal to clear it. 


Interesting... I have a couple here. I was quite impressed with the finish to be honest.  Ill do a test patch before I lacquer them as intended however, thanks for the heads up Brian


I think I've used about 6/7 of them.  The finish was fine for what you pay.  For a $1 more it beats the hell out of rattle cans.  i was very careful when drilling and putting things together and mine scratched super easy.  I ended up taping them off on the 3rd or 4th.  None of the others rejected the clear so it could certainly be a bad can that I got.  Just wanted to say that in case it was the enclosure. I'm pretty happy with them.


I've used several of them, no complaints. I didn't notice if they scratched easier than any others I've used. Seems like I almost always manage to scratch them regardless of where they came from or how they are finished. They take envirotex just fine.  ;D
I build, and once in a while I might sell, pedals as "Vertigo Effects".


Here's one of their "lime green" ones. It's actually a little yellower and not as "aqua" as it shows up on the photo. It will be a while before I can report any chips or scratches, but its finish is even and without any irregularities.