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Started by mjg, April 11, 2017, 09:34:17 AM

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Finished off a Madbean 'Glam' chorus today. 

This one is the first pedal that my kid has done all the soldering on.  He's helped out with resistors and caps in the past, but this one he did everything on the board, and the jacks.  It fired up first time, which was a relief! 

He turned 10 years old last week... where the hell did that time go? 

The 3PDT board is connected using PCB header sockets.  Worked really well, as long as you don't mind the stomp switch being right up against the bottom of the main board.  Makes for an easy assembly as you can just push the switch daughter board in to place.   

Enclosure was done with a vintage typewriter, onto sticky back plastic, with some clear gloss sprayed over the top.  Any typos are the genuine article... no delete key on that thing.  No copy/paste either.   :P

Only regret is that I didn't quite get the typing lined up properly, I think if the word "Glam" was just below the LED rather than half underneath it, that would be nicer.  Oh well. 

The quote is actually a Roxette album name.  Shameful I know.  But it popped into my head and I thought it worked well... only realised later where I must have got it from. 

The effect sounds good - it does give quite a volume boost, as the build doc says it might.  I've not experimented with R9 to see if I can fix that, but I don't mind the boost.  The PT2399 that I used was a cheap eBay purchase... it is a bit noisy and has all sorts of funky junk going on quietly in the background.  I will probably swap in a few others to see if I can get one that's a bit nicer. 

Also works quite well with the bass guitar.   Some nice ringing sort of tones with the knobs up full. 


Very nice, love the artwork! Your son did a good job on the soldering!


I like the typing a lot!
Bonus points for sharing the hobby with your son.
I build, and once in a while I might sell, pedals as "Vertigo Effects".