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dirtbaby help. no sound.

Started by jman77, April 01, 2017, 03:35:10 AM

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well theres no sound unless i turn feedback all the way up. then i get a very faint sound of my guitar.

ic voltages- some are off

pin 1- 1.45

pin#1- 4.98, 2.49, 0, 0, 2.70, 2.36, 0.38, 0.71, 2.49, 2.49, 2.49, 2,49 2.49, 2.50, 2.49, 2.49.

pin#1- 6.44, 0.11, 0.11, 0, 5.45, 0.11, 0.70, 8.18

pin#1-3.92, 3.92, 1.92, 0, 3.80, 3.92, 3.92, 8.22

incoming v from power supply is 9.27

im gonna assume i have resistors in the wrong spot or of the wrong value somewhere. any idea where to start?


Doubt its the cause of your issue but you appear to be missing a connection on your switch. The two on the bottom row, left should also link with the middle row, left.


I dont know how exactly you wired the jacks but you soldered the ground pads on the board, not the input and output. Cant see for sure though.

EDIT: oups my bad the jacks are directly connected to the 3pdt... Ill have a closer look when I have the time!

When you crank the feedback you hear just the oscillation am I right? You guitar signal seems to not go through the circuit. Maybe use an audio probe? Always an easy solution I find.


yeah they are connected. sounds passes through when in bypass. i just  perfer this way of wiring the 3pdt.

update tho.

stupid me only soldered one pin of ic three. so i just fixed that.

another thing i found was that r32 and r33 read 50k. these should be 100k and color code matches 100k.  guess i got two bad resistors. r3 reads 100k just like it should so i know my mm is reading correct.

i checked voltages on ic3. all pins are good now.

pin 7 on ic2 still reads .38, led is reading .39. can this be the problem of pin 7 low voltage?

im gonna try and play this asap to see what happens now.
if still no sound then ill replace those two 100k reaistors and try and order some leds that have a voltage around .7 also order an audio probe while im at it.

any help or ideas will still be pretty cool, thanks.


I dont think changing r32/r33 will change anything as its just the modulation section.
You could take the led away to test. Im on the train and cant see much of the pics right now sorry.


update, sorry it has taken a bit. after soldering the ic socket, everything seems to work EXCEPT the level. i can have level all the way up and can barely hear the pedal. everything else seems to function from what i can hear. tested level pot. its reading a little over 1m when turned all the way up. any ideas?


finally order a signal probe. gonna try and find where the signal dies off at


so i got my audio plug. i go to the first resistor r2 sound going in and nothing coming out of it. is it really this resistor?
redid some ic voltage readings im only going to list the bad ones.
#7- 1.73v



You shouldn't hear anything coming out of R2, but you definitely should on pin7 of IC1. If you have no signal on pin7 then IC1 is your problem area. If you are sure your soldering is good in that area and your parts are correct, then try swapping for a different IC. I'd remove all the other ICs while you are doing want to tackle the problem linearly.


i get sound on pin num7 on ic 1 and ic 4 but nothing on ic 3 pin 7. even switched ics and still noth on ic3 pin 7

IC3 is not in signal path, it's fine that you can't hear you signal there. Check t1 trimmer and blend and level pots