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WTF!!! Seriously

Started by matmosphere, March 29, 2017, 03:55:42 PM

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I just found a fucking crusty half rusted bullet on the floor of my classroom. It's clearly not something that would ever actually fire from a gun, but WTF!


  I'm not saying more govt is ok, but the right to keep and bare arms was written when we only had muskets.

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Pedal building is like the opposite of sex.  All the fun stuff happens before you get in the box.


I know you didn't just open up a gun debate here.
I build, and once in a while I might sell, pedals as "Vertigo Effects".


You mean the lead projectile part of a bullet, or a full cartridge with casing, powder, and bullet?

If the former, maybe it's something from a history class? If the latter, maybe mention something to the security officer and principal?
Partner and Product Developer at Function f(x).
My Personal Site with Effects Projects


My mom had a window broken last year, didn't think anything of it at the time, just assumed it was a bird hit or rock.

Until I  stopped by for a visit and found a bullet sitting on a window sill. Damn thing bounced off a wall and the blinds before coming to rest. Crazy.


Years ago, I worked at a job where my boss had a bullet with my name on it, literally.  It was a full 30-06 casing and he wrote my name on it with a sharply.  When he quit years later, he gave it to me.

Ah, memories.

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Function f(x)
Follow me on Instagram as pickdropper


Quote from: pickdropper on March 29, 2017, 06:16:33 PM
Years ago, I worked at a job where my boss had a bullet with my name on it, literally.  It was a full 30-06 casing and he wrote my name on it with a sharply.  When he quit years later, he gave it to me.

Ah, memories.

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I would like you to continue dialogue on why he had a bullet with your name on it.  That seems to be an interesting story for a slow Wednesday to say the least. 


Ah, I found the pictures of my moms window bullet. She freaked out a bit when I found the slug (Really thought we left out bullet dodging days behind when we left LA, guess not)


Quote from: BrianS on March 29, 2017, 07:20:02 PM
Quote from: pickdropper on March 29, 2017, 06:16:33 PM
Years ago, I worked at a job where my boss had a bullet with my name on it, literally.  It was a full 30-06 casing and he wrote my name on it with a sharply.  When he quit years later, he gave it to me.

Ah, memories.

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I would like you to continue dialogue on why he had a bullet with your name on it.  That seems to be an interesting story for a slow Wednesday to say the least.

He was an odd, but very funny and clever person.  His humor was somewhat abrasive but somehow he didn't usually put people off with it.  It's kind of hard to explain.  Looking back, it sounds bad, but I didn't think much of it at the time.  I'm certain it was never serious.

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Function f(x)
Follow me on Instagram as pickdropper



He was an odd, but very funny and clever person.  His humor was somewhat abrasive but somehow he didn't usually put people off with it.  It's kind of hard to explain.  Looking back, it sounds bad, but I didn't think much of it at the time.  I'm certain it was never serious.

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You know it takes all kinds of people to make the world turn.  I thought it was something comical and in an off friendly way. 


Quote from: culturejam on March 29, 2017, 05:42:54 PM
You mean the lead projectile part of a bullet, or a full cartridge with casing, powder, and bullet?

If the former, maybe it's something from a history class? If the latter, maybe mention something to the security officer and principal?

It was the whole package, corroded pretty badly though so I'm sure it wouldn't have fired.

I gave it to security, and later on a kid came forward and let me know he found it while he was walking to school that morning and didn't know what to do with it.

All in all it was no big deal, just made me think "who the heck would bring a bullet to school?!" Well I guess I now have the answer to that question.


I cleaned out my last car before I sold it and recovered a hundred rounds of various calibers.


Mike:  What are you carrying a gun for? What, in case somebody steps to you, Snoop Dogg?
Sue:  Hey man, you're not from here, alright. You don't know how it is. I grew up in L.A.
Trent:  Anaheim.
Sue:  Whatever, man. It's different out here. It's not like New York, Mikey.
Mike:  Right it's not like New York, out here you can avoid trouble. In New York trouble finds you.
Sue:  People get carjacked.
Trent:  Who's gonna carjack your K-Car? He's right, Sue, you don't need to carry a gat!


Must be different there. Here the local walking/ biking/ running trail goes right by a pretty good sized shooting range. Guns everywhere, and no one seems to mind much. :)
Mzo.FX, Owner


A cartridge is pretty harmless without a gun to fire it. I wouldn't recommend dropping it on the primer thought. That could make a mess.