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Effects Connection parts site...

Started by BraindeadAudio, August 19, 2011, 11:11:42 PM

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Is it down for anyone else? I was about to put an order in today and its not up on my end.


Looking for a discontinued madbean board?  Check out my THREAD

Now carrying Matched JFETS



Maybe they were selling the secret Klon diodes?


They had some really good prices on stuff and good pedal cases for cheap.


They are also the only site I found with the AB resistors ive been after for a good price...


I've seen their site do this before.  Seems like they were offline for a while a couple of months back.  They eventually came back and everything seemed normal, so I'm going to assume that's what is going on here until I hear different.
Looking for a discontinued madbean board?  Check out my THREAD

Now carrying Matched JFETS


I put in an order on the 10th and haven't gotten any shipping confirmation or replies to my emails.  12 days in....
Sunday Musical Instruments LLC.
Sunday Handwound Pickups


The cart software they use sucks--I had used it for a site before and it is prone to failure and not very secure. It was always getting hacked into. Mostly they would just shut the site down (not steal user info).

But, they need to invest in a better cart.



Yeah, something awful must be up.  I have tried calling the landline and left a message but got no response, I have emailed 2 times, no response there either.  It sucks.  I really love the bonded wire he sells and blue 3PDT's were on sale for $3/ea....   I don't want to have to open a case with paypal, but if I don't hear back in the next day or two I will.  So lame, I have bought from John lots of times...:/
Sunday Musical Instruments LLC.
Sunday Handwound Pickups


Dang, that's too bad ---- I placed an order from EC eight days ago with no sign of anything yet and I normally receive their shipments in 3-4 days.  Hope everything is alright with John.

I love the bonded 24AWG wire they sell ---- anyone know of another source for that particular brand?  It's a bit heavier duty than other 24-ga. wire I've bought and is almost as large as the 22-ga. that Small Bear sells.  I'd love to find some place that sells that particular wire in 50- or 100-foot reels in various colors.
Owner of Unique-Vibe, LLC


I opened a case through paypal and escalated it to a claim today.  I have very kindly and politely tried to reach John with 3 emails to all of his available email addresses and have made 2 phone calls to the listed landline over the past week, leaving a voicemail once, and have gotten no response.  I am really wondering if he has been injured or something along those lines.  I find it really hard to believe that he would be ignoring attempts to communicate because he has always been really up front in the past when there were problems with the cart/website.  I am only out $32 and change at this point, would have hated to have put in a big order and have this happen.  There was a real good guy named Terry Stinger that was making 18 watt lite Marshall clone PCB's that passed away in a motorcycle accident and community got wind of his demise because orders through his website were not being sent and after some investigation someone ran across a news article about him passing away.  I hope this is not the case, and hope John all the best.

FWIW I would advise anyone who is thinking of placing an order with EC to look to one of the other distributors in the meantime.
Sunday Musical Instruments LLC.
Sunday Handwound Pickups


Stink... :(
Hope they're ok, I've had great service in the past too


Any response from them? The site is up now. I wanted to place an order but I am not sure now.......