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Using Positive Tip Adapters in place of Negative Tip.

Started by cleaninglady, February 06, 2017, 05:17:28 AM

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I'm building the Freekout at present and have bought fixed tip Pos Tip power adapters instead of Neg Tip.
This is a general question though, as i have a few to build that may face the same challenge.

If i'm using a power jack that is totally isolated from the chassis , can i just switch the cables and use the Pos. tip adapter ?


I had a power supply with the same issue. Luckely I could open the power supply so I switched the leads inside the power supply. Doing so I had a "standard" neg tip power supply.


I get lots of free old power supplies from work. I normally just cut the jack off and solder a new 2,1mm jack with center negative.  Or if you wanna be real cheap. Cut the wire before the jack. Flip the wires. Solder em and tape it up.


Thanks all , but i still can't see the difference if i flip the wires on the jack if the jack is not connected at all to the chassis. (Plastic body , non conductive jack).

Am i missing something important here ?


Flipping the wires on the jack would work, but keep in mind that if anyone else uses your pedal they may try it with a negative centre supply, which wouldn't be good.

I had the same question a while back, after I'd built about 6 pedals.  I ended up going back and changing them all to negative centre, just to make them compatible with 'normal' supplies for guitar pedals. So if your just starting out, I'd suggest doing it the standard way from the start. 


That's a good point. I think i'll change the tip on the wart.