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Custom Big Muff / Electra Distortion

Started by Ralfg, January 16, 2017, 06:53:42 AM

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Would love to hear soundclips! Well done!


Awesome! I could see an Electra-type thing being good for the less dirty, non-Muff parts of that song. On the very first, self-titled Dinosaur Jr. album, J used the deluxe Big Muff that had the built-in compressor. I didn't know he used a triangle on You're Living All Over Me.


I agree with everybody here. This is top notch! Those graphics and font work really well together. Great pedal concept too.
Build guides of my original designs and modifications here


Thanks everyone.  It was a fun project to build all the way through.  I'm really glad people are liking it!

Bret608, I could be wrong, most of the info I got was off Kit Rae's site where he interviewed J Mascis.  So I took a bit of liberty and made some assumptions on the information.  It was really fun trying to match the sound, really just changing a couple caps and the tone control was what it really needed.

JC103, I don't have the pedal anymore because I gave it to my friend.  But I really liked it so I'll have to build another one for myself.  I'll see if I can get sound clips then.  In theory though you should just listen to the Dinosaur Jr "You're Living All Over Me" album ;).  Of course that is pretty subjective.

mrclean77, The etching tips I have are to fail a bunch and then you will have success.  J/K it took me a while to get cleaner etches.  I've been using some transfer paper with good success I got off Amazon

I wet sand the enclosure down with 220 grit and some 600 to smooth it out.  Then clean it with some rubbing alcohol.  Iron on the toner and use a plastic paint knife after a couple minutes to get any bubbles out of the paper.  Let the iron sit for a while longer and then rub the iron on the enclosure until I see the details of the etch come through.  Then let it cool and pull off the paper under water.  I then use a Dykem Action Marker to clean up the transfer and cover any blank areas with painters tap.  I use ferric chloride as the enchant.  I pour a little in a plastic container and dip the enclosure in and move it around.  I pull it out after a few min and check how its doing.  After a few more min I'll dab the enclosure on some paper towels to check out its progress, if it is dark gray I know I'm done and I'll rinse it in water and then dip it into some Acetone to clean off the toner. 

I find that when you add a glossy clear coat if gives it a wet look which darkens the etch and I haven't found any need to add paint or anything. 
Dr. Von Fuzzbrauer @ Rocket Surgeon Effects Pedals


In case any one is interested my friend wrote a song and featured this pedal in it.  He said he's using a compressor in front of the pedal but other than that its the JC Mascis.  It's so Mascis in my opinion, in all the good ways.  I'm really happy he's finding inspiration with it.

Dr. Von Fuzzbrauer @ Rocket Surgeon Effects Pedals


Quote from: Ralfg on January 17, 2017, 04:47:39 AM
Thanks for all the kind words. I would gladly share this project. I need to work on getting it into a human readable form.

I would be interested in the Eagle files.  A BOM can be made directly from the .brd or .sch file.
All You Need Is Love


That's the sound! You totally nailed it!!


That looks really good. Keep up the great work!


Quote from: stringsthings on February 05, 2017, 04:35:15 PM
Quote from: Ralfg on January 17, 2017, 04:47:39 AM
Thanks for all the kind words. I would gladly share this project. I need to work on getting it into a human readable form.

I would be interested in the Eagle files.  A BOM can be made directly from the .brd or .sch file.

Ok let me know if this works.
Schematic, board, and BOM
Dr. Von Fuzzbrauer @ Rocket Surgeon Effects Pedals


Oh yeah forgot to say, rotate the BC549C 180 degrees.  I used 2n5088s in eagle and I haven't figured out how to swap the pins. 
Dr. Von Fuzzbrauer @ Rocket Surgeon Effects Pedals