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DEL-8 Looper

Started by daleykd, January 07, 2017, 11:10:48 PM

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Well, it's probably about time to let the cat out of the bag.  (This is what I had hoped to enter into the contest.  Silly newborn... and Mammoth was a week late.)

I've been working with numerous folks since September to try and design a looper that could at least semi-rival some of the commercial products.  I had a few goals in mind:
* Beat the price of the BYOC Super 8
* 8 loops
* Allow for more banks (99 banks, 4 patches each. 396 presets)
* MIDI In and Out
* Reduce off board wiring
* Offer more features
* Much better display than a simple RGB LED
* Eventual open source!

Other features:
* Buffered or bypass input
* Buffered tuner out
* Hard mute, available with external footswitch
* Soft mute occurs before patch changes to reduce click/pop
* Bank up / Bank down available with external footswitch
* Tap tempo to send to MIDI devices (hopefully in a future software update)
* External Aux footswitch. Not sure of purpose yet, but probably allows immediate manual control of loops

What you see here is a prototype.  It is awfully close to what the final will be.  I had to learn a metric schlock ton of stuff to get to this point.

I have two issues that I'm still working out.
* If anyone knows how to get rid of noise from the OLED, please oh please help.
* I get some click/pop noises from the optofet. Probably need to tweak cap values.

I will be offering this as a kit.
* Aiming for $175ish + S&H
* Includes everything but wire
* International shipping will _probably_ be cost prohibitive.

There will be a patch editor available, eventually, for use in Windows, OS X, and Linux (I hope?) to assist in managing patches and MIDI commands.

Who's in?  Here's the pre-order form:


Oh my. She's... beautiful.  :'(
Mzo.FX, Owner


GOOD LORD! Talk about starting 2017 with a BANG! New kid, new guitar, and bad ass looper! Great job man! You really knocked this one out of the park.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Looks very promising! Can't wait to see some more.


Pedal building is like the opposite of sex.  All the fun stuff happens before you get in the box.


this is all kinds of cool. you've definitely outdone yourself.
I build pedals to hide my lousy playing.

My projects are labeled Quantum Effects. My shared OSH park projects:
My build docs and tutorials


Looks fantastic. I'm in!
"my legend grows" - playpunk


That SO looks like something I could have used, before my Axe. I still might be interested. Could you daisy chain two of them together? For even more loops?


Quote from: Muadzin on January 08, 2017, 12:30:37 PM
That SO looks like something I could have used, before my Axe. I still might be interested. Could you daisy chain two of them together? For even more loops?
I have thought about this and theoretically, yes.  I'm 99% sure we can with MIDI.  I designed it so we could, at least.

In your mind, set one as the master controller, then the other as the slave.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk



That's an impressive piece of work!


Awesome to see this come to fruition. Looks great!



Looks good, very similar to something I'm finalizing however I'm using a LED alphanumeric display.

I guess this is what was being discussed here?:

Whats this issue with noise from the OLED? separate GND plane for AGND & DGND? is there only noise when data is being written to the display or is it constant? I'm guessing with the display removed its noise free so it isn't the I2C bus in general



Quote from: sturgeo on January 09, 2017, 10:20:30 AM
Looks good, very similar to something I'm finalizing however I'm using a LED alphanumeric display.

I guess this is what was being discussed here?:

Whats this issue with noise from the OLED? separate GND plane for AGND & DGND? is there only noise when data is being written to the display or is it constant? I'm guessing with the display removed its noise free so it isn't the I2C bus in general
All of that is 100% accurate.

I will probably have to switch to LCD.  That's fine with me, but I don't know which to use.  It will take longer, since I'll have to redesign the enclosure and PCBs.

The noise is when any pixel is lit.  Just a static text, you get noise.  I don't think it's the I2C lines.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk


Awesome!  This might be my 2017 BOTY  ;)