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Any 2017 hobby resolutions to share?

Started by Leevibe, December 15, 2016, 06:00:52 PM

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Need to finish:
-Build a proper enclosure for my Surfy Bear
-Box up a couple of builds
-Finish my butcher block Jazzmaster

Need to start:
-I have a couple of circuit ideas to create PCBs for (actually, two are in the process of being Eagle'd, and one is still in its infancy in my head)
-learn more jazz chops
-finally get around to building a pedal board!!!
Build guides of my original designs and modifications here


Actually finish stuff. (I've got an Elements board and a Clouds board that I've been sitting on for more than a year.)

Sort out a second Eurorack case. And more 1900H knobs.
"A man is not dead while his name is still spoken."
- Terry Pratchett
My OSHpark shared projects
My website


The arrival of our little one, plus the crappy weather for the last few months, has kept me off the DIY hobbies for a while.

Next year I want to finish off a few pedal things I have been working on, and get further into woodwork, with the intent of getting to a good enough level to build my own amp cabinets (and also some stuff for the little one).

I also want to learn to play a little bit of Jazz and Bossa Nova... not become a master or anything, just dip my toe in a little and learn something new (I have realistic expectations of my abilities  ;D).

In general I also want to get more active and keep fit. Also try and go snowboarding more (though it sucks going to indoor places in the UK).

Planned Pedal/Guitar Stuff for 2017:

- Complete my mini 1590A 'modular' pedal board that I've had nearly finished for over 2 years now  :o.
- Finish up on developing my FV-1 patches (and the PCB project) in SpinCad to the state where I am happy with them.
- Complete my Total Recall and Flabulanche. I've been meaning to finish these for ages so it's getting a bit silly.
- Finish up my 'slide' partscaster guitar that's been sat in bits for 6 months.
- Finish my current Eurorack projects and buy no more Synth stuff. I need to stick to what I have and make the most out of it (that hobby is dangerously addictive).

TO START (and hopefully finish):
- Build a combo cabinet for my Ampmaker WF-55. Make it look nice enough for my wife to let me keep it in the lounge  ;)
- Build some kind of guitar rack/holder (maybe stacked?) to keep them contained and tidy in one place.
- Build Brian's new tap tempo analogue delay when it is released.

I think that's plenty to keep me going. If I even get half of that done I'll be happy  ;D


I want to finish my HiFi amp. This is number 1 priority. I finally got the PSU to work properly without blowing the fuses (too much inrush current), but I'm currently in the progress of boxing all my stuff up for moving to Graz (2nd largest city in Austria) after the holidays. I'm not bringing my dad's old stereo, so I NEED it up and running to be able to listen to my vinyls.

other than that: timelapse looks intruiging, finally get my total recall going (can't get it to clean up, no matter how much I bias and I can't find anything faulty) and maybe layout a few boards myself, if I find something that I like. Also, something FV-1 based
I build pedals to hide my lousy playing.

My projects are labeled Quantum Effects. My shared OSH park projects:
My build docs and tutorials


I already know my top priorities...

(1) practice more and play more.
(2) finish that 5e3 build up. 
(3) find an electric guitar I really like
(4) keep selling stuff I don't want/use enough to fund things I love (like a new guitar)

After that I have a few builds that are 80% done and need boxing...
-- 2 Madbean CE-2's
-- GC Rotten Komp
-- GC Catch 22
-- Hotcake clone (hoping this will replace my boutique drive I use/love now)

Other than what's in progress I have a few wants still.  Unfortunately, I try to build too many things and end up with a lot I don't particularly want in the end.  I need to focus more on builds I'll want/use next year since selling DIY stuff is a crap shoot.  In particular, I want to build...

1. A straightforward klon clone because everyone needs one
2. A straightforward ts808 clone because everyone needs one
3. Buzzaround with master volume
4. Mini-bone
5. Scarab deluxe
6. PT2399 delay with mod
7. Drolo pedals (hogweed, phaser and trem)

That's it.  I also hope to continue to use the enclosures and parts I have lying around to build other things as interest hits me so I can sell those and fund future projects (or at least get my money back for all the crap I purchased over the years).

Dang... that's a lot of things to do... I'll be lucky to get through half of it.


There has been a lot of loss in our family in 2016 and it was no a pleasant year by any means. I hope to get started on a good foot in 2017 and learn from all the mistakes and hardships of 2016.

My main goal of 2017 is to get the wife and I out of town more. We need more trips and escape from the norm.

I also need to purge out projects that I have either started and or finished enough to know I did not want to finish them completely and get rid of them. You know, stuff you populate and say "eh, not for me" and never box up.

I also want to focus on more of the projects I DO want to finish and actually get to a finish state.

I would love to play more and not worry about what pedals to bring with me or how my board looks.. I just need that music interaction with friends.. I need it bad. Its been a long time and I feel I have lost that "how to play with others" kind of feeling.



I still haven't finished building my house in Fallout......


To Start: Some project for myself (ideally an amp, but even a pedal would be nice)

To Finish: See above
Function f(x)
Follow me on Instagram as pickdropper


I really want to start and finish an amp. I've had the cabinet for a year or so, just haven't found the time to build it!
"my legend grows" - playpunk


Finish, sell, or dispose of the dozen completed & tested boards I haven't put in an enclosure. Finish the MOATR (mother of all test rigs). Learn the FV-1 or find a substitute which speaks an ARM/PIC dialect. Oh, and play more.


I need to get back to writing music. I used to be a demo making machine in the day. Irony is I have so much more capability in terms of digital recording now than I did 10 years ago when I was more active with it. Anyway, hoping the sometimes band will make a new record next year.


I'd like to find more time for building, maybe get back to doing nicer graphics. build more boards than I buy next year (I've got a sizable backlog at this point). figure out how to create my own layouts.

I'd also like to branch off a bit and get into synth.


As with others,  I want to build more ( or at least as much ) as I buy.  The backlog is large and ever-present.
It seems like 2016 was a good year for many great projects from several people.   
All You Need Is Love


Finish anything on my bench.
Brew my Belgian Wit, Irish Stout and maybe an IPA prior to baby being born.


Start and finish my basement renos so I have a proper place to build is pretty much my only pedal resolution.

Launching a Youtube channel for another hobby next year, so I'd imagine that takes up a good portion of my spare time.
The only known cure in the world for GAS is death.  That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.