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Boneyard dynamic problem :\

Started by ct88, August 12, 2011, 01:24:52 AM

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hey guys, got my brand new boneyard working, running @18v and it sound wonderfull :D but the sound don't seems to be the best when i roll down my guitar volume, it lacks some highs :\ i noticed from other videos and also k.rock video that it cleans preatty nicely... any issues?




I can't speak to the boneyard pedal, but that's probably just your guitar itself losing highs when you roll back the volume.  Does it behave the same through other pedals or straight into the amp?  If it does, I wouldn't expect the pedal to behave any differently.

If it is the guitar, there are ways of addressing that.  Good luck!


hey! thanks for the Reply  :)

i think its not the guitar, i tried with 3 different guitars and they all behave like that :\ also tried to do that with BIASB2 and they all responde very well with the volume roll down.. my guess i that i should try power the pedal @24v, probably it will change something.. otherwise, there are missmatch on original project cause i heard that and it works :\ (Carl Martin) :S
