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Fake Twins dual boost/overdrive (aion plasma + nimbus)

Started by trustybs, December 01, 2016, 03:26:41 PM

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I had this project waiting for a while and i finally got the time to build it.
It is my first try for a two pedal in one enclosure and thanks to the madbean forum it worked without any problem.

So the Japanese twin is a maxon OD820 (with an nimbus aion pcb) and the british twin is a Colorsound overdriver (plasma aion pcb).
The PCBs are great, easy to solder.
The switch in the middle of the pedal let you chose wich effect goes first in the chain and both can be used as clean boost or overdrive (with a lot of drive for the overdriver), so you have a lot of sounds in the bag.
As always, my wiring is messy but it's not the worst i have done.  And there are extra holes on the side as i made them too close to the pcb at first... Anyway, i like it and here it is.


Sweet! White knobs FTW. Love the graphic layout and the different size knobs.



Very nice build.  The wiring is pretty neat compared to any of my multi effects builds.