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Tabletop Modulator

Started by Dminner, November 22, 2016, 07:34:45 PM

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Well...still not a build in the sense that I started with an unpopulated pcb...But, my most ambitious pedal modding to date, and something I am proud enough to post.  Lots of experimentation, lots of wiring, and lots of work went into it.

This is a Christmas present for someone and I wanted to make a tabletop style unit.  So I found this thing:

It looks a bit too much like office supplies to I tried to give it a faux, pitted metal, looking finish:

PCB test fit:

Faceplate fab and test fit:

Onto wiring:

The wiring an array of mods and figuring out how to convert to the arcade button switches, I had some help for the switch conversion :)

Finished product:


That is unbelievably awesome. No idea what it even does and I want one.

Really hope to see this in the BOTY contest!
"If you put all the knobs on your amplifier on 10 you can get a much higher reaction-to-effort ratio with an electric guitar than you can with an acoustic."
- David Fair


Quote from: jubal81 on November 22, 2016, 07:44:48 PM
That is unbelievably awesome. No idea what it even does and I want one.

Really hope to see this in the BOTY contest!

Thanks man! I thought about it...but thought it might be frowned upon since it is not a scratch build.

I will post a couple short demos of it later.  it does a little of everything: chorus, flanger, detuning/pitch shifting, ring mod, throbby tremolo, random noise.  It is for those that like to get weird and make noise :)


I love it. The graphics and the buttons work great together and the huge knob is perfect for it.
I build pedals to hide my lousy playing.

My projects are labeled Quantum Effects. My shared OSH park projects:
My build docs and tutorials


Thats an awesome command center! Came out great.



"my legend grows" - playpunk

Clark GriswoId

Amazing build man. Whats the trick to converting the arcade switches?



how, how are you this awesome Dan???!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? - thoughts on some pedals I made - sounds and jams


Quote from: Clark GriswoId on November 23, 2016, 11:54:36 AM
Amazing build man. Whats the trick to converting the arcade switches?

No real trick, just me not understanding things yet.  The stock ones just had a cap and a resistor for "debouncing" and other things I don't understand yet. The arcades are 2 pin momentary switches but the stock momentary switches used three connections for the added cap and resistor stuff.

Quote from: Cortexturizer on November 23, 2016, 12:58:34 PM
how, how are you this awesome Dan???!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Haha, thanks dude.  Your pedals are some of my favorites so that makes me feel good.  ALSO, thanks to Mike (flanagan on here) I have all the components I need for the drone hog.  Building that next :)


Here are a couple quick and dirty demos.  Both use the same boring guitar loop.  No other effects used, just changing settings.


Looks and sounds AWESOME Dan! Great work  ;D


Partner and Product Developer at Function f(x).
My Personal Site with Effects Projects


That's incredible.  You really have an eyes on incorporating large lights, switches, and buttons into a design without making them impractical.

What type of neck pickup is in that guitar in the last picture?  It looks like the ones that are in the Echopark guitars.


Quote from: Timko on November 26, 2016, 01:45:30 PM
That's incredible.  You really have an eyes on incorporating large lights, switches, and buttons into a design without making them impractical.

What type of neck pickup is in that guitar in the last picture?  It looks like the ones that are in the Echopark guitars.

The pickups were made by mojo pickups in the uk.  He makes gold foil and silver foils in a humbucker sized enclosure. But here I had him cram a widerange humbucker into his silver foil humbucker design.