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The X-Vibe (Brejna's Pangea)

Started by Bret608, October 17, 2016, 04:15:01 PM

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Here is my build of Brejna's Pangea, my first completed build in a long time. All I can say is this thing sounds amazing! I used the Brejna cap combination, and I found LDRs that worked great for the project at Small Bear (hit me up for the information if you're interested). The board was easy to populate and went together surprisingly fast. The enclosure finishing is where I always struggle a bit, but overall I'm happy with how it came out. PPP did a great job with the drilling. Mainly I just underestimated how high above the board I needed the in/out jacks to sit. I ended up having to elongate them a bit with a filing rod, and I then used locking washers on the back of the jacks to make sure they stay secure.

Why the X-Vibe? This past winter, when the X-Files series came back, my older daughter expressed interest in seeing the original series, so our whole family went on a massive binge-watch that did not let up until we had gotten through the whole thing. My wife and I were quite into this back in the '90s, so sharing that with our two daughters was a lot of fun. I was working on this pedal at the same time, so it was a natural connection to make.


I dig the colour, suits the theme very well. and the guts are clean as fu**
I build pedals to hide my lousy playing.

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Great job man. Love the color and the alien!


That is great build! It look pro inside out..


Thanks for the kind words, everyone! The color was PPP's candy teal translucent. Looks great with the yellow LEDs.

Brane, if my build looks pro, it's because I paid attention to your Pangea build report, making notes on how you boxed it!  ;)  So I appreciate the inspiration, and thanks again for making this great project available.



Thanks Corey!

Quick question for anyone else who has built this. What's the methodology for setting up the two trimmers? I've got them both set at about their midpoint right now, and am liking the speed ranges I have available. So maybe that's it?


Partner and Product Developer at Function f(x).
My Personal Site with Effects Projects


Super clean layout. I have been sitting on this PCB since Brane released it, I need to build this thing already!



Wowser! That's a beauty, inside and out. Really impressive work!
"If you put all the knobs on your amplifier on 10 you can get a much higher reaction-to-effort ratio with an electric guitar than you can with an acoustic."
- David Fair


Thanks! Glad you all like it. Cody, build yours up for sure. I remember seeing a Voodoo Vibe and some of the Mayer rocket pedals for the first time in Rudy's Music in New York in like 1995 or '96. Having learned that both J Mascis and Kevin Shields used one, I knew someday I needed one too. Just didn't know I'd be the one making it!  ;)

These rip with a MkIII, by the way!