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rust me crazy...

Started by ksenanekro, October 16, 2016, 07:21:52 AM

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hi there guys.
i love veroboards. and i wanted to make the rust bucket with just a single 13700 chip
i drew and build this

first of all i am an experienced vero builder and layout drawer.

my problem here is the power supply. i tried a laptops 19V power supply, and i blew up a regulator(on breadboard).
so i tried this board as a power supply daughter board, using a lt1054 and a 9V one spot power supply.

when i measured the voltages on the daughter board before connecting it on the main board, i was able to get +17/0/-17V.
but when i connected it on the board, i was getting +10/0/-2,5V
the lt1054 got a bit hot too.
i desoldered the supply board to check if it still works, and it does without any problems.
there are no unwanted bridges anywhere,mostly between the supply rails.
got any ideas?


nevermind! consider this verified. i 've changed all ics and transistors and now it works!yeaaahhhh!!!!
i guess something gone bad yesterday and burned an ic or something, but today with fresh eyes i made it! the whole projekt took me at about 8 hours building and 20 debugging...


As requested, you sir are crazy.

Glad you got everything working.


good to hear you got it working.

What's the purpose of the 150R in the top row? there's no trace cut there so it will be bypassed anyways...
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Pics!! :)

So awesome you made it work! Congrats!!


Quote from: Boba7 on October 16, 2016, 02:37:18 PM
Pics!! :)

So awesome you made it work! Congrats!!

I second this. We need pics!!



thanks guys!
you caught it m-Kresol! that was the only mistake on the layout, and i found it out while i was soldering that resistor! i forgot to update the layout.
now it's done!

you can find pics of my build here



You're crazy!!! :) That's pretty awesome looking, congratulations.
Pedal building is like the opposite of sex.  All the fun stuff happens before you get in the box.



You're a brave man (or less lazy than me, anyway!) Bloody good job of it :)
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