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thumper pcb transfer (

Started by toneboner, August 04, 2011, 07:54:14 AM

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Hope I haven't taken too many liberties with your artwork, MB.  I thought this might be useful for somebody else...

[attachment deleted by admin]


Cool. If Bean gives the go ahead do you have the pcb parts layout image as well?
Owner and operator of Magic Pedals


I can get the hi rez version up for you guys. Lemme dig that one out today. I can also put up the "Fallout" which has been gone for quite a while.



It's a dual pedal--one side is a Red Llama and the other is the Mark Hammer 49'r. It's actually an awesome project....all 4049 based. Here's a pic of mine before I came up with the combined PCB.


Cool build sir! Sounds interesting, do you have a demo of it in action? ::)


Quote from: night-B on August 04, 2011, 02:47:38 PM
Cool build sir! Sounds interesting, do you have a demo of it in action? ::)

I could make one. It's been a while since I played through it, but I'd be happy to.


 hi rez images would be tits! thx brian  
(... my lumpy photoshop hack job would probably have worked)

at first i was thoroughly disappointed that you took down certain projects. i understood your reasons but had been planning to make them ALL (someday).  well, it forced me to learn to make my own boards! playing with acid is fun!!!


I got blisters on my fingers!!!


That would be great if your willing to post some other projects to keep us busy Brian. I have one of those Fallout boards waiting for some love. And a Landgraff Mod pcb that's clearly your work.
Owner and operator of Magic Pedals


Yeah, I will put those up this weekend. I might bring the Fallout back as a fabbed board....I'll have to listen and see if I still like it.