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Early Klon de-degooped schoots

Started by torg, September 29, 2016, 01:51:47 PM

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I love the ultra-accurate ratings for the resistors when most of them he used were 5%...
Gnomepage - DIY effects library & stuff in the Stompage bit
"I excite very large doom for days" - playpunk


There is no ground plane in Nik's Klon, yeah few resistors are swapped around or moved. I'm sick like a cat (flu) so I won't give it much attention in next few days I'm afraid

1uF's all the way according to Nik. I'm kinda suspicious to 1uF value in PSU but again, I have a man flu and I'm fighting here for my life now. Other NP caps are either missing or destroyed so no chance for recheck. All resistors are still here so I will give'em some more attention ones I'll be cleared from ebola that eats me from the inside. I'm kinda on the same page with juansolo on the resistors really :) I will defo check in what circuitry blocks he used what - will see how much sense does it make if any

I will also check the pot's taper - they're custom made indeed.

BTW - where the Silver Pony story fits here?


Quote from: juansolo on October 02, 2016, 10:32:14 AM
I love the ultra-accurate ratings for the resistors when most of them he used were 5%...

Did you see the testing jig he set up with all the SMD parts soldered to clipped leads so he could test them? The KTR wound up with the same circuit as V3 of the Centaur. And if I remember correctly, the SMD parts are all from the same manufacturers as the corresponding parts in the Centaur. So he went to all the work adapting SMD components for nothing. Or maybe it was just for the photos to make it look like he put all that work into selecting just the right parts. But given his penchant for very very specific 1% values, I'd imagine he actually thought it was a worthwhile endeavor.

Quote from: torg on October 02, 2016, 07:40:21 PM
There is no ground plane in Nik's Klon, yeah few resistors are swapped around or moved.

There's really only a little bit of ground pour in V3. It looks like he just took some traces that ran to ground and made them fatter where there was room. But it's very possible he didn't even do that until between V3 and V4.

Quote from: torg on October 02, 2016, 07:40:21 PM
1uF's all the way according to Nik. I'm kinda suspicious to 1uF value in PSU

Yeah, that just sounds wrong. There should be two 47uF caps, two 4u7 caps, and six 1uFs. And one tantalum. He kept the tantalum in the KTR, so must have thought it was important.  If he did add the 4u7s in V3, he might not have thought it was worth mentioning in the interview. I'd have just used 1uF film to avoid future issues with bad electrolytics. No one really talks about how many of those are in the Centaur under that goop.


I never got the 1uF tantalum. If you isolate the audio in just that portion it is incredibly low compared to the rest of the circuit. There is no reason not to just use an electrolytic IMO.


Quote from: mremic01 on October 02, 2016, 09:23:44 PM
Quote from: juansolo on October 02, 2016, 10:32:14 AM
I love the ultra-accurate ratings for the resistors when most of them he used were 5%...

Did you see the testing jig he set up with all the SMD parts soldered to clipped leads so he could test them? The KTR wound up with the same circuit as V3 of the Centaur. And if I remember correctly, the SMD parts are all from the same manufacturers as the corresponding parts in the Centaur. So he went to all the work adapting SMD components for nothing. Or maybe it was just for the photos to make it look like he put all that work into selecting just the right parts. But given his penchant for very very specific 1% values, I'd imagine he actually thought it was a worthwhile endeavor.

Quote from: torg on October 02, 2016, 07:40:21 PM
There is no ground plane in Nik's Klon, yeah few resistors are swapped around or moved.

There's really only a little bit of ground pour in V3. It looks like he just took some traces that ran to ground and made them fatter where there was room. But it's very possible he didn't even do that until between V3 and V4.

Quote from: torg on October 02, 2016, 07:40:21 PM
1uF's all the way according to Nik. I'm kinda suspicious to 1uF value in PSU

Yeah, that just sounds wrong. There should be two 47uF caps, two 4u7 caps, and six 1uFs. And one tantalum. He kept the tantalum in the KTR, so must have thought it was important.  If he did add the 4u7s in V3, he might not have thought it was worth mentioning in the interview. I'd have just used 1uF film to avoid future issues with bad electrolytics. No one really talks about how many of those are in the Centaur under that goop.

Yeah I was greatly amused by his testing rig. Anyone with half a clue would have realised that was a totally pointless exercise. That said, it all feeds the hype train on TGP 'look, he tests every single component! He must be some sort of pedal designing messiah!'.

The Tant isn't even in the signal path, I genuinely have no clue why he would think it would be important.
Gnomepage - DIY effects library & stuff in the Stompage bit
"I excite very large doom for days" - playpunk


I'm not too bothered about building another Klon... but I'd love me some of those enclosures Ceriatone have fabbed.

I'd build a Big Muff instead in that bad boy  :)


re: the silver pony
byoc claimed a bunch of values were different and provided no photographic evidence ... then quit offering the kit

it lives on because of the hype
once upon a time I was Tornado Alley FX