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Tayda replies???

Started by Govmnt_Lacky, September 07, 2016, 05:56:27 PM

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Has anyone else had issues with Tayda not replying to emails?

Not for orders but for general questions about their stock. I have contacted them 4 or 5 times in the last few weeks regarding questions about their products or with suggestions about carrying build items and have received zero replies.

Anyone else experience this lately?


Probably no one ever bothered trying :-)
I have emailed them once a couple of years ago about some dodgy footswitches and they replied promptly, offering store credits.

Never really have issues with orders so, not sure how the communication is these days ...


I always get the automated reply that says my message was received and someone will be contacting me shortly. I just never get the follow up contact email.


If memory serves me right you always seem to have problems with online suppliers. I do remember a thread about Small Bear.....
So maybe the problem is not them, it's you? :P


Quote from: Muadzin on September 08, 2016, 05:15:14 PM
If memory serves me right you always seem to have problems with online suppliers. I do remember a thread about Small Bear.....
So maybe the problem is not them, it's you? :P

I think you are correct! Genius!!!

Its me at fault for asking about the products. Its me at fault for suggesting new items for builds. Its me at fault for expecting a reply. Its me at fault for expecting people to do their jobs and follow through with customer service.

WOW!!!! Thanks for the revelation  8)


I've been in fairly regular communications with the head guy at Tayda over the past couple weeks.   They had some setbacks because of bad weather... offices were evacuated, several days of work missed, etc.

Not saying this is the issue (he's not the usual guy who replies to all emails), but it's possible this is the cause.

There are a lot of pretty big changes happening over there right now as well.       I'll be starting a thread in the near future to gather suggestions for improvements to relay over to him,  the guy is listening, willing to adapt,  and wants our business.   


Quote from: BuGG on September 09, 2016, 01:15:12 AM
I've been in fairly regular communications with the head guy at Tayda over the past couple weeks.   They had some setbacks because of bad weather... offices were evacuated, several days of work missed, etc.

Not saying this is the issue (he's not the usual guy who replies to all emails), but it's possible this is the cause.

There are a lot of pretty big changes happening over there right now as well.       I'll be starting a thread in the near future to gather suggestions for improvements to relay over to him,  the guy is listening, willing to adapt,  and wants our business.

Thanks for the helpful reply.

Hopefully they get up and functional at 100% soon. I'll have to re-send my inquiries again once they get things straight.


I do but it can take a few days for them to get back to me