Calling all TAPLFO experts, I am losing my mind!!! (Tap-Tempo Cardinal content)

Started by Cortexturizer, August 10, 2016, 09:39:58 PM

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Why are you using a dual pot? if you use a concentric one, you'll be my all time hero... I should have thought of that building mine... I've got balance and volume internal, but rate external  ??? ???

I would check voltages on the chip as you turn the pot. I think the tapLfo documentation has a section about when the chip is switching waveforms.
I build pedals to hide my lousy playing.

My projects are labeled Quantum Effects. My shared OSH park projects:
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Ugh, I feel like I am losing my knack for pedal building as I am making more and more premature conclusions - the waveform is fine, I just had the Balance all the way to the right so some of the waveforms were pretty imperceptible with Balance set that way. It all works fine and is ready for boxing! Woo-hoo! :)

Thank you gents so much. I persevered, but only because of your support, I have less and less patience these days, but I really wanted this and boy did it pay off. Fantastic pedal Jon! Amazing sound, goes straight to the board.

Cheers gentlemen! - thoughts on some pedals I made - sounds and jams


Did I mention that the old TAPLFO works just fine?

Feck man. Now I will have 2 of them that I don't need, when the 3rd one arrives.

So the conclusion of the story is - it was the crystal. Fecking hell.

Oh well... - thoughts on some pedals I made - sounds and jams


I did the same thing with the balance or wave distortion control. So you have company in the dumb mistake category :)

I still need to figure out how to get the tap led to work correctly- I want to have an indicator that is straight tempo and it doesn't seem to work when I have tried it before

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"my legend grows" - playpunk


I need a tapflo, I'll buy one from you as long as shipping to the states isn't ridiculous.


Quote from: Cortexturizer on August 12, 2016, 09:42:53 AMI just had the Balance all the way to the right so some of the waveforms were pretty imperceptible with Balance set that way

Pft, I did that when building the prototype. And the second prototype. I also used to forget to check the wave distort knob when I set up my board at gigs and something was wrong.

If it wasn't so useful in the full-range tremolo mode, it would have been fixed resistors. :)

Can't wait to see the finished product. Your enclosures are always spectacular.


Heh, yeah that's my fear as well, that I will constantly move something accidentally, but I do agree that they are needed to use the pedal to it's fullest. Great tremolo, really just what I wanted. Harmonic mode can do some whacky sounds as well, not something that I will use but it could come in handy.

I am going for a 1590B, because you know me, I love it when it hurts! Hah!

I do have more for the troubleshooting crew though. It seems that every pedal I make distorts when it shouldn't. I have my beautiful PS1A doing that as well as my Loophole. God if I could get rid of that distortion that would make me so happy. Gotta start the threads for that as well I suppose. I count on you gents to help me with that!

Tell you what, I'll PIF the other 2 tapflos. Feck it, your help gents is much appreciated and I often need it, so it all levels out lol.

Matmosphere send me your address, you'll get it for the price of shipping. Cool?

Cheers! - thoughts on some pedals I made - sounds and jams


Quote from: Cortexturizer on August 12, 2016, 02:12:57 PM
I am going for a 1590B, because you know me, I love it when it hurts! Hah!

It really won't fit in a 1590B -- if I could have made it happen I would have. The board is about 3mm too wide to even get in on an angle. 125B is fine though, either horizontal or vertical. (I preferred vertical.)


Quote from: Cortexturizer on August 12, 2016, 02:12:57 PM
Tell you what, I'll PIF the other 2 tapflos. Feck it, your help gents is much appreciated and I often need it, so it all levels out lol.

I'd love to get a chip from you. I'm working on a liquid mercury and twin peaks, slowly. I plan on flashing the chips myself, but I won't know if that works until I have a correct board, but I can't test the board without a working chip.
"you truly are a transistor tickler, what with the application of germanium ointment to sensitive fuzzy areas. :)" - playpunk


Dude, that's an amazing offer! Thanks so much. I'll make sure to put it to good use!


Hey guys, apologies for not answering sooner, I was away visiting relatives.

Matmosphere - I will send this to you tomorrow! Will let you know once it's done via PM.

dbp512 - sorry for this but good old Brejan approached me on Facebook so I am giving him the other one. Sorry bro!

The faceplate has been done for this build, I am collecting it in an hour, then drilling, then setting everything up, I should have the build report by tomorrow morning. Excited to add this to my board, it's a great pedal. Thanks everyone for helping me endure through this, it feels good to have completed a pedal finally, I haven't built anything in months. - thoughts on some pedals I made - sounds and jams